Saftey recall letter recived this morning (UK) booked in for tomorrow. "We have established that on some cars it is possible the steering column coupling may have been installed incorrectly. In this condition noises and restrictions in steering movement may be noticeable. In extreme cases the...
Following from recent posts about speeding... what are peoples thoughts on saftey devices (aka Radar type equipment and TomToms with Speed camera warnings?)
I use to have a radar detector years ago, but more recently use TomTom with the saftey camera database / red light camera etc...
Bought this about 2 months ago, never really use it so maybe more useful for someone who does more miles.
When I bought It I was told it had no subscription and was last updated in August 09. I have no way of checking this as have not updated it myself. Few marks (very faint) on Unit does not...
Generally I drive pretty much under the speed limit, but occasionaly have a blast or generally just creep over the limit.
Are any of these radar things worth having?
I can get an older model Snooper for around £50
or this new Snooper Sapphire for £100
Its just added bit of...