Who left the car park without wishing to be thanked.
From the expanse of broken lens plastic and glass left behind pretty clear that damage to their vehicle was substantial. Behind the user friendly plastic bumper on a Land Cruiser lurks a BFO transverse steel girder arrangement which is...
Somebody along our road has a W203 with the bonnet poking over their
driveway. Obviously too much temptation for "an idiot" to twist their bonnet star. I feel compelled to straighten it...but what if it were damaged and I bust it off!?! An E-Class pulled up at the lights with a bent over...
On Saturday my neighbour watched a guy in his early 20's pull up in a grey Escort Van and take photos of their cars, and then over the road to photograph our cars. Took pictures from front or back (not side) - and the one thing we all have in common is cherished plates. We live on a very quiet...