• The Forums are now open to new registrations, adverts are also being de-tuned.

Advice as to costs prior to looking for someone to do it Please

Clearly the car has had at least two registration numbers; the OP Alan22 has been asked for the current one but seems to be rather shy about telling us what it is, which makes it difficult to help.

Alan are you able to give the current registration number to enable us to help you?

In his opening post
Hi, I don’t have the ability to get on here as much as I would like, so if I am missing for some days just take it as I’m really bad, and will get back here when I am a bit more able, so, please don’t think I have lost interest, etc, it couldn’t be further from the truth if you tried.

I don't like to "chase", but I don't think we can do much more to help you Alan until we have the current registration number.

I hope you are not "really bad", and look forward to reading a response from you here soon.

I just spent 15 mins skim reading this.....all rather odd, so many words but key facts missing.

Well known that CLK of this era rots badly unless maybe heated garage queen with dry miles.

Assuming info is correct . Zero comeback now....Give it away or pay someone to take it away.

Sympathy if OP genuinely bought this, has medical situation that worsened &/or financial issues.
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Right due to the varied reply's, I will take in stages, because I just can't concentrate these days when it comes to putting things down on paper as they say.

Well Alan while it still has a MOT I would trade it in,you have bought badly,and the car is as you say in your first post a money pit,now you payed 2 grand for it ,I have no idea if that is a lot of money to you or not,but in the car buying world paying that sort of money you are in shark infested waters,my honest advice is in the first few words I wrote,you have bought a bad car get it traded in.

Too late, the MoT expired on Jan 2nd 2020, you couldn't pick a worse time to get it done, and the only thing I paid for was a service, I came on here to get advice about it before doing anything more, I was seriously hoping that this would be repaired, I'd kill for easy entry\exit as my legs have found that to be a dream, but finding another I could afford with the features this has, support in the Seats for my back that I have ever driven, and with the lights giving me the best night driving vision you could get (that I have seen to date, bearing in mind that the best lights are on cars way out of my price range), being the best I have ever driven, Sensors all round, Distronic Radar and the Auto Lights and Wipers, some of you may think this is petty things that mean little to driving a car, but being disabled with a very rare condition, they make a world of difference to me.

Have you still got intentions to keep ploughing money into this wreck ?

Nope, and other than buying it, the only money spent on it was for a service.
OP, my sympathies, especially given your circumstances, it's terrible someone sold you this rust bucket. The money you'll spend on fixing it doesn't really make economical sense.

The specification you've cited is fairly common to many Mercedes cars, the distronic is the only option that isn't super standard-ish. But HIDs, rain sensors and easy access is almost a given for CLKs...

If you could do this over again and cut your losses, what does your budget look like for a replacement car? Were a savvy bunch at window shopping so could definitely help you in that respect.
Well I give up, the more I seem to try and do these days, the less it works out, I know after first getting the car, even months after I could see a number of varied details between the 2 reg numbers, Mercedes had a set of details that were different to the DVLA, e.g. the mileage as quoted further back in this thread, over 200k IIRC, when in fact it is only just over 119k, I don't know if things have been disappearing, or updating after my many attempts to get the truth, including telling the DVLA about what I can only call a dodgy MoT, either a back hander, or most likely because they put so much business their way, as they have 3 big places, and I have seen them having cars for over £75k on their car site, as opposed to their vans\commercial site, I just can not see how this car got a clean bill of health, not 1 single place who has looked at this have asked about the MoT, one place even asked if it was flood damaged at some point, but every single place did say the brake pipes to be as bad as they were, there was no way they were not be clearly visible at the time of the MoT that came with the car.

As to the reg number, I used to run some very big mobile phone forums well over 2 decades ago, and as a result of idiots playing up on the site then kicking off when they get banned etc, you tended to get some stalkers after you (I kid you not) lol, but I just didn't want to risk it, as I didn't need the grief, so I let very little info about me into the public view, this became reinforced as I started helping on computer forums, and the number of people falling for A, B or C scam, all because they let their details get in the public view, and thought when they got the emails saying their security is at risk, or we have noted that your PC must be infected because..., so I am very proactive security-wise, hence the reg number, as I just don't need the hassle.

But I guess it's time to name names, it's not something I like doing, not until I know they deserve it, but I really don't see how the MoT could be as accurate as it should have been, let alone granted in the first place, but I have no problem naming those who I know deserve all they get, so here goes;

Reg Number = J11 TWM—The fact it's a private reg made my day, as I was always tempted to get one, and I hope to find the best (cheapest) way to keep it, I know it can be put on certificate and move to another car in the future, but that’s as far as I have looked so far, it’s not like I am in a rush now, so it will be next year when I look into the up’s and down’s of the options, and most importantly the cost, of doing it, as I have more important things going on currently.

Sales Person = Neil (who refused to put anything in written form of any sort when I started to find out more)

The 'Name' of the ‘Sales 'Company' = Netley Marsh Spares; But looking today the domain is up for sale, they have a new banner calling themselves “Trade Vehicle Solutions (TVS)” – yet this company name is not in use and up for sale, yet all of this is running from the Netley… site. 👀

I have labelled it that way on purpose, he claims they are separate company's, I argue they are not, and that's using the info on their own web sites (the key company detail is unchanged).

The main site is Vansco in Southampton (+ 2 other sites I believe), This, is the site that took this car in as a part X for a van, he said the other name is purely for getting shot of part X's they take in.

He used the Vansco office\sites cash system (Not, Netley Ma...) to take a £200 retainer which he would refund if I didn't want it.

I was told I had to view the car at the Vansco site because he had to cover that site on the day arranged.

Then to seal the deal as I was struggling to find the report I paid for, he did a print out using the Vansco’s site\account of an HPI report for me.

The final sale of the car and paperwork was all done in the same Vansco office, including taking the final payment on their Vansco cash system.

My credit card company refused to step in, stating that they couldn't be sure who took the money.

I went to both websites, and found what I am certain makes such claims impossible, I could be wrong, but surely to trade as a company you need to hold a company licence?

But I found only 1 single identifier listed on both sites in plain view, which was the same for both sites, therefore they must be the same company, because Company’s House certainly holds just the 1 licence for any of their known dealings, including MD’s etc, not one of them was found in any other capacity in the listing for their company, which is 1 single entry held at Company’s House.

Now the MoT place; Brenhaul Commercial (UK) LTD; - I am not stating anything in one way or the other, as I do not have cast iron proof about it, I am simply questioning it’s accuracy, and stating the point that they must take in a shedload of their business, as they have 3 yards, that’s a huge number of vehicles passing through their hands, and one has to wonder about the influence that makes to a company.

I also have an insight to MoT’s that many won’t, that’s because my step brother was an MoT tester, but his bosses were dumping on him to get some of the big earners back into action ASAP, as they got all their repairs etc from them, because his bosses wanted him to put a van through sooner than he was able to, he MoT’d the van, and it passed just fine, but he was not able to enter the paperwork until later in the day, as the system was offline most of the day, and the van was clocked as no MoT, because the paperwork was not completed at the same time, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, refuse and your sacked, or do it and your putting yourself on the line, well he paid the price for it, he lost his MoT licence (stupid git), and he was sacked, the pressures his bosses put on him he was screwed no matter what he did.

So it wouldn’t surprise me if this happens a lot around some of these places, often pressured by the client who may suggest going elsewhere in the future type of thing, we all know it happens, but proving it is an entirely different matter, all I can show is the car being witnessed by numerous garages and photo’s I was eventually able to get in the last garage, time and date and stamped, as well as GPS logged, this was first noticed at about 4 months or so by the independent specialist service centre, this was for a service that should not have been needed yet as it was sold with a service not that long back, and I had done about 500 miles at the stage everything started to spill out from this, and the could not do the service that the car reported, as a key component was missing from the engine bay, so they gave me a list of their findings listed into 2 sections as follows:-

Work required now:
  • High level brake light doesn’t work
  • NS number plate bulb doesn’t work (bulb checked – all ok)
  • Rear brake pipes very rusty and hoses perished
  • Rear trunion bushes worn
  • G/box exhaust brackets broken
  • Centre exhaust section rusty
  • NSF track rod end
Non urgent – Advisories:
  • Rocker cover gaskets leaking
  • Brake fluid black
  • OS headlamp cloudy
  • Rear prop coupling split
  • Engine mounts worn
  • Rear springs incorrectly mounted and rusty
  • General corrosion on body and subframe

Sorry to take so long, I am losing the will to live lately with the pain so bad now, I dare say I am rambling above, I have been trying to put this together for you since I last posted adding a bit at a time, and I find it so hard to keep it together, and can only concentrate for so long before I have to stop, something very evident above I dare say, I’ve tried to answer everything, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I missed something, and I barely know what day of the week it is any more, as time has no meaning to me, I will see if you need more as soon as I am able, but with the cold coming I start to be crippled in pain waking at 04.00 and woke the wife to do my Morphine, as I couldn’t even hold the bottle, let alone open it, but I will do as best I can for you.

@Bert_W164; I won't have the money to get something like this in a good condition for many years, I imagine there is nothing under £2k, and that's my limit maxed out, but I won't be close to that until next year takes around 2 years of saving, mind you with everything that's going on it has saved a lot of money this year as I have only been out 6 times this year, 12 doors up the road to the GP (that is a blessing being so close), but I don't know what this would be worth, it has the AMG wheels I believe and an aftermarket head unit, the wheels alone are worth a fair bit I believe, then the reg I need to look at that more before doing anything, but yeah I know it has to go, but I'm not in a hurry to do it, thanks for the thought and reply.

And Thanks to all for the advice, but I will only ever get worse, there is no cure, but it's my muscles, a very rare condition that means every muscle in my body is dying, including what you don't think of like heart and breathing, and over the last few months my stomach has been playing up, but since I last replied it has taken a major nosedive, as my stomach is no longer strong enough to support me, and the pain from that reaches my 6th rewrite of my worst ever pain, as this time last week it hit hard, so hard I was about to dial 999, I've never been that close to ringing that number in my life, and I can tell you when you have to rewrite your worst ever pain you know it's not good, but to do that 6 times, you know you're in a bad place, but enough of my crap, just thought you deserved to know why I am not able to keep on top of it the way I should be, but I will always reply if needed, and Thanks again to everyone for this.
A heart rending tale.
I’ve just read the whole thread and we have all been caught out before , but most of us are able to learn from it and move on To better cars. I don’t think that will be possible in this case....Of all the people for this to happen to...Pretty brave to name and shame. I hope there aren‘t repercussions.... that will only add to the grief

the one point I would highlight is the reg...it will have some value , but not sure of the costs around retaining or transferring. £80 rIngs a bell. In the old days, you’d need a current MOT to transfer it but pretty sure that’s redundant now, what with SORN etc
Sorry to hear this.

Regarding the credit card issuer, if you have paid more that £100 via your credit card, and if it was a credit card indeed (as opposed to a debit card), then my understanding is that the credit card issuer is liable by law.

Regarding the company who sold you the car, you should report them to Trading Standards, if the company whose name on the invoice is no longer trading then this might not help you financially, but if Trading Standards uphold your complaint, they could take action against the Directors e.g. they could be barred by Companies House from acting as Directors in any other company in future, or they could find that they can't raise credit for their new company etc.
I think all responsible for the current state of affairs (the vendor, the bank etc) are playing for time in that the OP has bigger issues that a £2k refund ....then they’re hoping this will all go away.
Shame on them all.

If I were located nearer the OP, I’d be taking up the baton on his behalf .
Well I'm back from the dead, literally, will add details separate to this under this reply, but it will explain so much about my ability you will see why.

A heart rending tale.
I’ve just read the whole thread and we have all been caught out before , but most of us are able to learn from it and move on To better cars. I don’t think that will be possible in this case....Of all the people for this to happen to...Pretty brave to name and shame. I hope there aren‘t repercussions.... that will only add to the grief

the one point I would highlight is the reg...it will have some value , but not sure of the costs around retaining or transferring. £80 rIngs a bell. In the old days, you’d need a current MOT to transfer it but pretty sure that’s redundant now, what with SORN etc
NP's with the name and shame, I have done nothing but layout facts, if they want to take them up I'd be amazed, as it will give me my day in court to demolish them.

I suggest you read this regarding retention of registration number.

Very interesting, I've bookmarked it and will look closer when I am more with it, MoT is moot as being on SORN is accepted, they say it must move on its own power, that should be ok, but it's got a dead battery, so it won't be easy to do, but theoretically, it should run OK.

Sorry to hear this.

Regarding the credit card issuer, if you have paid more that £100 via your credit card, and if it was a credit card indeed (as opposed to a debit card), then my understanding is that the credit card issuer is liable by law.

Regarding the company who sold you the car, you should report them to Trading Standards, if the company whose name on the invoice is no longer trading then this might not help you financially, but if Trading Standards uphold your complaint, they could take action against the Directors e.g. they could be barred by Companies House from acting as Directors in any other company in future, or they could find that they can't raise credit for their new company etc.
Agreed, but they refused, it's now up to the Ombudsmen to kick their ****, as I reported it after my last reply as best I can recall.

I think all responsible for the current state of affairs (the vendor, the bank etc) are playing for time in that the OP has bigger issues that a £2k refund ....then they’re hoping this will all go away.
Shame on them all.

If I were located nearer the OP, I’d be taking up the baton on his behalf .
That's business for you, stick their head in the sand and hope you give up.

Sorry to hear all your problems, good luck with your health.
Thanks, but that is so deep you couldn't make it up, the full story to follow.

Thanks for all the help people, it means a lot that you have put up with my erratic posting, my next query will be in relation to maximising what I can get back from selling it, the AMG wheels will be a big point I guess as I have the receipt for £600 when they were bought, I know it won't fetch that much, but it's better than nothing, although I would need the other person's original wheels to go back on it, or I can't sell it to car buying places, it would be a scrap yard with a hoist to lift it onto their wagon.
Well here's a Doozy for you, not that anyone knew but I had been dying for around the last 10 years (given hindsight and where things notably changed), not that anyone knew, especially myself, I can only go on experience, and my experience to that point was I am in pain to a level that only a few could imagine, so a massive amount of what I can offer is in hindsight, no one knew at the time, but looking back the penny's start to drop, at the point of asking this question with worlds leading authorities, there was nothing to go on but pain and my muscles are dying, the pain was so great they maxed out my Morphine and got me an emergency appointment with the pain clinic a few days after, it normally takes 6 months to get an appointment there, so it demonstrates how bad it was, but I don't let a bit of paper tell me what I can do, it was the only conclusion I could draw at that time, so I don’t know the state of my stomach muscles currently with my initial suspicion of them being too weak to hold me any more as I still have this as well as other health issues as well, so I will have to reaccess as things heal up what they settle down to be now.

Now I was taken to hospital by ambulance twice this month (December 2020), the first time I had an X-Ray and was told that I had a right mess going on in my upper right stomach around the bottom of the rib cage and that it was constipation, and was then sent home, 7 days later I was rushed in by ambulance again, only this time they did an emergency cat scan at around 01.00, and I was told I had a perforated gallbladder and was lined up for emergency surgery, what they found after that explained so much about my pain, turned out the gallbladder was gangrenous, and it was sat on my right kidney, it’s the worst-case he had done, and he reckoned that if he got to me 1 hour later, I would be dead now.

So I came out of the hospital the other day, after having gallons of numerous IV drugs to combat the toxins that had been poisoning me for who knows how long, and then to sort my blood, one was Potassium, possibly other such things as well, they put 2 units through me as blood tests were abnormal, but after the 2nd unit it was enough for me to get out of there, it wasn’t perfect, but I just couldn’t wait to get out, because at home when I get really unsettled as was happening to me more and more every day there, at home I can go downstairs and lay on the settee watching TV, I couldn’t do that there.

So I was given a reprieve when they got the latest results, so I was just left to walk off the ward and go to the exit and go home by any way I chose, but not knowing how things worked currently it is not what you'd expect, in the day they won’t let you out alone, someone has to come in and take you out, it’s unheard of normally, but my wife was set to pick me up based on that principle, but I could have called a taxi and gone home myself the way it turned out, there are so many faults you can raise with the way things happened, Many times, and yes it is wrong, and you can understand why families are so against them picking fault, and rightly so, But, unless you have been in there, and witnessed just how much crud they have to deal with, you will never understand just what they have to work with, the bottom line is simple, Lives above Paperwork\Comm’s, but unfortunately it is the family’s who just can not understand because they can not see.

I caught my wife on the phone the next day giving them a roasting about the way I was released etc, again based on the principle that a patient is never allowed to leave unescorted, exactly typical of why family’s are so frustrated and angry, totally understandable, and they are not wrong, But, it takes away valuable time from their primary role, to save lives, and it takes seeing this up close and personal, to understand, I was in a high traffic area where they were dealing with patients, I kid you not there must have been 40 or 50 staff running around shouting at each other about about you, and somehow they know just what is what, I could never believe in that kind of chaos, that they could make out what was going on, with who, and the varied stations as you are passed down the chain in order of priority, and they get it right, how in the hell they can do that is beyond me, so now I am having to start over again, for the first time in 3 decades drugs are actually helping now, so I have come from 24/7/365 for 30 years in constant pain, to now, it’s the least amount of pain I can ever remember, so I have to relearn everything all over again now, so lets see if I can be functional again, time will tell.
Well here's a Doozy for you, not that anyone knew but I had been dying for around the last 10 years (given hindsight and where things notably changed), not that anyone knew, especially myself, I can only go on experience, and my experience to that point was I am in pain to a level that only a few could imagine, so a massive amount of what I can offer is in hindsight, no one knew at the time, but looking back the penny's start to drop, at the point of asking this question with worlds leading authorities, there was nothing to go on but pain and my muscles are dying, the pain was so great they maxed out my Morphine and got me an emergency appointment with the pain clinic a few days after, it normally takes 6 months to get an appointment there, so it demonstrates how bad it was, but I don't let a bit of paper tell me what I can do, it was the only conclusion I could draw at that time, so I don’t know the state of my stomach muscles currently with my initial suspicion of them being too weak to hold me any more as I still have this as well as other health issues as well, so I will have to reaccess as things heal up what they settle down to be now.

Now I was taken to hospital by ambulance twice this month (December 2020), the first time I had an X-Ray and was told that I had a right mess going on in my upper right stomach around the bottom of the rib cage and that it was constipation, and was then sent home, 7 days later I was rushed in by ambulance again, only this time they did an emergency cat scan at around 01.00, and I was told I had a perforated gallbladder and was lined up for emergency surgery, what they found after that explained so much about my pain, turned out the gallbladder was gangrenous, and it was sat on my right kidney, it’s the worst-case he had done, and he reckoned that if he got to me 1 hour later, I would be dead now.

So I came out of the hospital the other day, after having gallons of numerous IV drugs to combat the toxins that had been poisoning me for who knows how long, and then to sort my blood, one was Potassium, possibly other such things as well, they put 2 units through me as blood tests were abnormal, but after the 2nd unit it was enough for me to get out of there, it wasn’t perfect, but I just couldn’t wait to get out, because at home when I get really unsettled as was happening to me more and more every day there, at home I can go downstairs and lay on the settee watching TV, I couldn’t do that there.

So I was given a reprieve when they got the latest results, so I was just left to walk off the ward and go to the exit and go home by any way I chose, but not knowing how things worked currently it is not what you'd expect, in the day they won’t let you out alone, someone has to come in and take you out, it’s unheard of normally, but my wife was set to pick me up based on that principle, but I could have called a taxi and gone home myself the way it turned out, there are so many faults you can raise with the way things happened, Many times, and yes it is wrong, and you can understand why families are so against them picking fault, and rightly so, But, unless you have been in there, and witnessed just how much crud they have to deal with, you will never understand just what they have to work with, the bottom line is simple, Lives above Paperwork\Comm’s, but unfortunately it is the family’s who just can not understand because they can not see.

I caught my wife on the phone the next day giving them a roasting about the way I was released etc, again based on the principle that a patient is never allowed to leave unescorted, exactly typical of why family’s are so frustrated and angry, totally understandable, and they are not wrong, But, it takes away valuable time from their primary role, to save lives, and it takes seeing this up close and personal, to understand, I was in a high traffic area where they were dealing with patients, I kid you not there must have been 40 or 50 staff running around shouting at each other about about you, and somehow they know just what is what, I could never believe in that kind of chaos, that they could make out what was going on, with who, and the varied stations as you are passed down the chain in order of priority, and they get it right, how in the hell they can do that is beyond me, so now I am having to start over again, for the first time in 3 decades drugs are actually helping now, so I have come from 24/7/365 for 30 years in constant pain, to now, it’s the least amount of pain I can ever remember, so I have to relearn everything all over again now, so lets see if I can be functional again, time will tell.
It sounds like you’ve had a rough time, byt your health has now turned a corner and started to improve - long may that continue.
That is such a sad story, I had a 2004 clk320 had the Amg wheels but I sold it privately as an ebay auction about 8 years ago for £3500 it was a beautiful car to drive and very comfortable, the new buyer was very happy to get a very nice car, it is very annoying to get ripped off when buying a car, the docs don't make sense and it looks to me that it is possible a cloned example, the only way of cutting loses on it is selling the parts but the market is not great as most are specific to that model/year, unfortunately the reg plate is not worth much either and it will cost £80 transfer fee to put on to a certificate which includes putting it on to another vehicle. I have bought a couple of private plates each were £250 including the fees direct from the DVLA.
good luck with it.
It sounds like you’ve had a rough time, byt your health has now turned a corner and started to improve - long may that continue.
Well not so much turned a corner, I have a very rare muscle-wasting disease, only this one affects every muscle in your body, including those you don't think of like heart and breathing, it took 25 years to fully diagnose it is so rare, and I am literally the 'poster child' for the UK used in teaching hospitals and am on a site with world leaders in rare diseases, and I tell them what it is, and how it works, they have also asked me to write a paper for them, there is no cure, I can only ever get worse, so in some ways, if I had of died I wouldn't have to keep going through it all, but for a very rare upside, the drugs are working for the first time in my life (never found a headache\migraine tablet that worked for me when healthy), and more recently especially the last 30 years, for which I had been in constant pain 24/7/365 for 3 decades, I can't recall the last time I was not in pain, so I have to learn my limits all over again, but with the level of pain I was in being removed, that is a major bonus, I never expected it to be that big a difference, but I am bloody grateful that it was that much of a relief that I desperately needed, as I didn't know how much more I could take, but Thanks for the thought. 😎

That is such a sad story, I had a 2004 clk320 had the Amg wheels but I sold it privately as an ebay auction about 8 years ago for £3500 it was a beautiful car to drive and very comfortable, the new buyer was very happy to get a very nice car, it is very annoying to get ripped off when buying a car, the docs don't make sense and it looks to me that it is possible a cloned example, the only way of cutting loses on it is selling the parts but the market is not great as most are specific to that model/year, unfortunately the reg plate is not worth much either and it will cost £80 transfer fee to put on to a certificate which includes putting it on to another vehicle. I have bought a couple of private plates each were £250 including the fees direct from the DVLA.
good luck with it.
That is exactly what I liked about it, the seat entry\exit was such a massive bonus for my legs (among other things as well), it's why I was so desperate to find a way to get it on the road again, I wish I had the ability to strip it down, but I simply don't, the heart is willing, but the body is weak, so it would be a job that you think to yourself after a while why the bloody hell did I start this lol, I suspect my most realistic result is to sell the wheels, it would be something at least, but as I said I would need steel wheels in place of them or I can't sell it to any of the, we buy any... bullsh!t numbers, because they don't, the last car I rang them, didn't want to know, instead, they gave me a number of some other firm, so their advert is in need of retuning more to the truth, as to the number plate it's nothing special, but I ask myself when would I ever be in a position to get another, there are many about, but none in my price range that would interest me, it's simply I have one for the first time, and didn't have to struggle to get it, that and the fact the reg is in my brain now, as leaky as that's getting now lol, but Thanks for the pointers.

And again Thanks to all for bearing with me through all this, it must have been hard to do, as I have had idiots on sites I ran 20 years ago, simply playing dumb just to wind you up, so Thank you for that, it means a lot. 🍻
Hi people, I'm sorry to bump this thread, but it is the most logical way in my view given the next question(s), because any fact required to aide anyone replying is contained in this thread, now I don't know the exact rules here, but I am aware of using varied sections for set purposes, but by keeping this to a very general query, I hope I am not doing anything wrong, I am wondering what my best option is for getting rid of this car, forget the annoying TV Ad that claims they will take anything, because they won't, if it's that bad\old etc they palm you off to another service, I believe I qualify to post an Ad here (in the for sale section), but I don't know if there would be people interested in it, so I don't want to waste forum resources if that's so.

The ideal would be split it myself, but it's more than I can handle now, and the car would need a trailer to take it away, I don't know if advertising the wheels here for a swap (steel wheels are fine) + cash, so I can try and raise a bit of a return on it, this way the car stays complete so can still be moved, but I guess they would need to be close enough to do that, the car is in full working order, even though the battery is deader than dead, I jump started it the other day using a Citroen C1 (my daughter-in-law's car), and after about 30 seconds or so max, I tried it and the car fired up straight away on the 1st turn of the key, not bad for being sat there for near 18 months without starting, and I drove it forward so I could clear the boot ready to go, and reversed it back again, and everything worked as it should, the ideal would be finding someone in need of a new engine\box, back in the day I did this with the old police SDI style Rover when I came across a shell at a breakers yard when I first came ill.

I don't know what this is worth, but I had the stereotypical knock on the door yesterday saying is it for sale, claiming they have a pocket full of cash for it, I knew what was coming and said £1,500 they could take it lol, got an excellent counter of £200 lol, I said the wheels alone are worth more (17" AMG's), my old Vectra (🤮) got that much with a blown turbo, and he stood there as though I was going to change my mind, I ended up saying not a hope in hell, then he said he has a mate who he would just scrap it, I can do that on my own without paying them for their 'help' lol, so I want to get rid the best way possible, so any pointers would be great, I don't know if there may be a Merc graveyard that could make up a fully roadworthy car from it with what they have at hand?

Again apology's if this is not the correct way to do this, but I wasn't sure where else to ask, I will happily move it to another section should it be the more correct place to put it if needed, TIA.
I would put an advert in the "Mercedes Cars For Sale" section with a good description and what you want for it.

You won't know if people are interested until you do and the section is there for people to advertise their cars for sale...
With no MOT the annoying TV advert peoplw wont take it, they assume a road legal car.

It's really only worth scrap value at the moment to be honest.
Yeah I know it has 2 values, the one you get by a straight scrapping of it, but the bit that gets me every time is the price you can get stripping it down, especially the wheels, if only I had the ability this would be a no brainer move, but the best I can hope for is someone with the space and time to do the same, so I will place an Ad here then and hope, apologies if the price is a joke, I have spent the last 48 hours trying to find similar cars, and can only base it from those price's, Thanks for the replies guys.

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