I rather think that if they do bring something out , it will be revolutionary , perhaps a completely autonomous city car which you will just step into , announce where you wish to go , and relax .
Moreover , it may be a sort of motorised 'Boris bike' where no one needs to own one but you just subscribe and pick up the nearest one for your journey ( they may have dedicated inductive parking spaces and when you finish your journey the car will go to the nearest one to recharge itself - of course , in California they might cover the vehicle in photovoltaic cells to take advantage of the constant sunshine and keep the batteries charged , and a pedal option to keep the greenies happy ) . The car would recognise you by interfacing with your iPhone , watch or other Apple device then , optionally , make small talk with you depending on your interests stored in your device , which it would also have charging ports for .
I could imagine such a scheme being rolled out in California , then being taken up by other cities .
Before long , competitors would jump on the bandwagon with similar , but never quite as good , products .