Recently Bought a c220, 2005 and forgot to check if it has had a recent service I would have knocked off a few more hundreds off the price
Noticed once packed at home that it has exceeded its service interval by 800miles or km(can't remember which). It requires a B service. I keep seeing PCS so thinking of making an over due visit to Hampshire!
Will like any recommendation in the Buckinghamshire/Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire area? Obviously after a quality service and as little Damage as possible to my wallet
Noticed once packed at home that it has exceeded its service interval by 800miles or km(can't remember which). It requires a B service. I keep seeing PCS so thinking of making an over due visit to Hampshire!
Will like any recommendation in the Buckinghamshire/Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire area? Obviously after a quality service and as little Damage as possible to my wallet
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