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BAS ESP Light A170 CDI 2003 (03)


Jun 23, 2010
A170 CDI Elegance Auto 2003.... Honda Accord CDTI 2007

The BAS ESP light flashed on my A170 CDI this morning, this caused a shaky stop :crazy:, i do not know the full details as the car was driven by my sister. She then pulled over and turned off and not turned on since. She is now awaiting recovery from RAC. The car is a A170 CDI Elegance 2003 Automatic on a 03 plate, and has only done 55,000 miles. :confused:

We went on a long journey (300 miles) with a large load last week (4 people in car, and boot jammed pack), we noticed a squeaky noise. :dk:This squeaky noise went away after driving a few 100 miles (fuel went down - reducing weight). :thumb:Could this have anything to do with it?

Please let me know. Any help would be appreciated. :thumb:

Kind Regards
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Car has now been started:

when put into reverse and handbrake is on/active it goes "flying" back (terms used by sister). So i'm guessing the brake does not work?

thank you
As far as I know the BAS/EPS warning is warning only, and the car can be driven with recommendation to visit MB workshop as soon as possible, so no need for immediate stop, but check the owners' Manuel.

The problem could be with various items so the fault code need to be read, but one thing which can give rise to this message is the BAS diaphragm travel sensor which is fitted into the brake servo booster unit.

But as said, disabling of BAS/ESP should not (as far as I know) render the vehicle unroadworthy.
Many times the BAS/ESP indication is actually caused by a low voltage problem, not always a system problem.
car was "repaired" by a recovery service on Friday, they reset the errors.
But today the car has developed the fault again. Now I have tested the car and i will try my best to describe the fault.

When car is put into gears R (reverse) and D (drive) it shakes (when checked on friday the man told me sister it was a safety feature and not a problem with the gearbox)

The car does not change gears in drive (stays in gear one) - again said to be a safety feature

Also usually the gear (P, R, N, D) comes up on the computer screen in the speedo area, but now this does not happen it does not show anything where the gear mode should be.

Everything else seems normal. I have been told it is an electrical fault.

Thank You
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You may want to have the current fault codes read.
Possibility of a software or communication bus problem.

You shouldn't realize a "shake" when you put it in gear.

Get the correct fault code diagnosis from a main dealer or an experienced independent.
Resetting the fault only clears the problem but doesn't fix it.

If it is a software problem, the cost to reflash is not that expensive.
First off all the BAS problem could be with low voltage. I had my battery off and system picked as fault. Stoped after driving (actualy rolling car) for 5-10m, turned off and started again and all went back to normal. I would check your battery.

When you descibe shake... What shake and when. You could feel shake while driving or braking and that will have nothing to do with your gearbox. I would like to hear a little bit more specialy because its just passed message from your sister. No disrespect but I know how my wife describe problems to me.

The fact iy does not shift gears it could be in limp home mode. I think it could have something to do with load you carried in your car.

Access someone with STAR machine to diagnose it. Dont go to first known mechanic. Make sure who will be doing this for you will have STAR machine.
You may want to have the current fault codes read.
Possibility of a software or communication bus problem.

You shouldn't realize a "shake" when you put it in gear.

Get the correct fault code diagnosis from a main dealer or an experienced independent.
Resetting the fault only clears the problem but doesn't fix it.

If it is a software problem, the cost to reflash is not that expensive.

Thank you for your response! :)

Got a little bit more out of my sister, she said the recover man told her there was a communication fault, therefore a error came up (i am not sure what the error code is).

As for the "shake", taking everything else into consideration it seems like it is a warning, maybe mercedes programmed it too do that to do that to warn the driver of a problem, I am not sure why but i think that may be the reason. It feels like the cars trying to reverse/move forward (drive and reverse gears) but the brakes are locked up. But once your in gear it works fine until the revs pick up and the time come to change gear (which it will not do).

The software problem seems like a great resolution. I will ask the garage it will be taken to if it needs a reflash. Thank you for your help!
First off all the BAS problem could be with low voltage. I had my battery off and system picked as fault. Stoped after driving (actualy rolling car) for 5-10m, turned off and started again and all went back to normal. I would check your battery.

When you descibe shake... What shake and when. You could feel shake while driving or braking and that will have nothing to do with your gearbox. I would like to hear a little bit more specialy because its just passed message from your sister. No disrespect but I know how my wife describe problems to me.

The fact iy does not shift gears it could be in limp home mode. I think it could have something to do with load you carried in your car.

Access someone with STAR machine to diagnose it. Dont go to first known mechanic. Make sure who will be doing this for you will have STAR machine.

Thanks for your response! :)

The car does not stop driving after a short drive. I test drove the car for approx 1 - 2 miles it seems totally normal until it was time to change gear (did not happen)

As for the shake : It happened when it moved from any gear to R or D it does not happen in N or P or even when braking. Taking everything else into consideration it seems like it is a warning, maybe mercedes programmed it too do that to do that to warn the driver of a problem, I am not sure why but i think that may be the reason. It feels like the cars trying to reverse/move forward (drive and reverse gears) but the brakes are locked up. But once your in gear it works fine until the revs pick up and the time come to change gear (which it will not do).

Your suggestion of the car going into "limp home mode" sounds about right.

Thank you for your help! :)
Have you had it on a Star?

No not yet, it will be taken tomorrow for a check at a well known mechanic who has previously fixed my old e class and old a class.

Thank You! :)
Just got the car back from Mercedes Specialists. Found out the problem is the ABS Control Module.

Mercedes dealer new part price - £1106!! :O
Dronsfield Mercedes - £200 + VAT

Was told that this fault is rare (seems i always get the rare faults when it comes to Mercedes!)

I have ordered the part from dronsfield should come tuesday :)

Thank you everyone for your help!
To bad you didnt check the part number as I parting out E-Class and them a lot of times fits others as well.

Let us know how it turns out.
To bad you didnt check the part number as I parting out E-Class and them a lot of times fits others as well.

Let us know how it turns out.

sorry forgot to mention the part number.

It is "168 545 35 32"

:) thanks
Is it OK now?

Not yet, will be hopefully collected from my house tomorrow by the garage, if (fingers crossed) the parts arrive, said it was a quick job to change the module so hopefully will be back tomorrow evening :thumb:

i hope i don't get no more costly problems lol.. spent over £4000 on my old e220 cdi.

Bought this one after cost free/low cost motoring 85,000 miles with my old A170 CDI (120k) until the clutch in the semi auto gearbox went :doh: decided to upgrade to a lower mileage model once again.

Thank you all for your help! Will let you know how i get along :)
car was collected today by the merc specialist garage, they tried to fit the ABS control module with no luck.

The problem is still there?

does anyone have any idea what could be wrong?

this is what happened last time the car was on - after about 10mins being on 2 more lights come up

the ABS indicator lamp and brake pad wear indicator.

please help.

any help would be great.

Hi, does anyone know what could be wrong?

The garage put the car on the star machine. but still are struggling to find out what is wrong.

I suggested a reflash but they said it does not need one.

please can someone suggest a resolution. cars now been of the road for 3 weeks :(

Thank you!

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