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Big Problem..........


Deleted member 2227

Whilst my car was jacked up doing the shocks, Stevenoticed that the electric socket carrying the cable that sents messages from the gearbox ECU in the footwell to the gearbox was covered inoil and was leaking. Worse case scenario is that the oil travels up the cable to the ECU where upon you incur a £2000 bill :crazy: :eek:

The picture below is the ECU for the gear box in the passenger footwell. Mine is free from oil at the moment.
Looking from the front of the car back to the front of the gearbox you can see a black circle being pointed to by a long screwdriver. The circle is supposed to be clean and free from the gearbox oil it is supposed to contain within the box. Mine is black and sticky and has been slowly leaking oil onto the gearbox sump.

BTW the circle is the rubber end of the electronic connecting plug that leads to the ECU.
I have caught mine early enough to get a new (improved )plug which is already on its way and once fitted will stem the flow of oil from my gearbox to the ECU. Please check this part if possible as this problem effects all models but especially E classes. One car near mehas been off the road for a month while they try to get a new gearox ECU working............
Looks like the alarm control module to me ... but far be it from me to question Steve's knowledge !!

sym said:
Looks like the alarm control module to me ... but far be it from me to question Steve's knowledge !!


Yeah, I always thought that was the alarm too, I thought the gearbox CU (GCU?) was under the bonnet next to the engine ECU and ABS controller, was only looking at mine yesterday. ECU that is. :D
Have I photographed the wrong box ...I'll ask Steve on Monday!

EDIT. No I havent! see answer later on.
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this issue also happens on the 140 S class fwiw.. (checked mine, under bonnet, next to engine ECU... it was ok)
Oh dear....... :(

Doing some totally unrelated jobs on my W202 today/this evening which involved removing the trim/carpet from the passenger side footwell....

When I removed the carpet and trim, I noticed at first a 'shiney' patch on the plastic/sound deadening part near the back.....

After a quick look around, I seem to have traces of oil in the passenger footwell. :crazy: :eek:

As per Greg's picture (above) it seems to be mainly around the leads on the back, and primarily on the leads leading towards the black box that you can see. :eek:

It doesn't look like an alarm module to me. There is however another, smaller black box next to this which looks more like what I would expect the alarm to be.

The box which R2D2 (and I) assume to be the gearbox ECU has the following markings:



2020242f538*** (which is the VIN number of my car)

The oil appears to be golden/clear coloured. Does this sound like ATF to you? The only reason I ask is that I have never changed MB gearbox fluid myself, and from previous experience regular ATF I have come across has been red.

My car is operating/driving as per normal, but obviously this needs to be looked at ASAP as I certainly couldn't stomach a £2K bill for a knackered gearbox ECU.

Anyone know what this job entails (replacing the lead/plug?!?)

Many Thanks,

It may not be oil .... it could be rusty water from the blower motor caused by blocked drainage channels in the bottom of the windscreen area. Had this on my old 202 as well - passenger footwell was drenched with what I first thought was oil, but turned out not to be.

And I'm still sure that Siemens box is the alaarm control unit, not the gearbox ECU, but will stand to be corrected !

sym said:
Looks like the alarm control module to me ... but far be it from me to question Steve's knowledge !!


On early 202s, the alarm wasnt fitted at the factory but at the dealers pdi. When fitted then the control box was sometimes put in the footwell. The DAS 2 system wasalso fitted in that area. BUT when they moved to DAS 3 and Elcode the control box which also does the central locking was moved to drivers side inside the boot and if you look behind he lining you will see it wrapped in a polystyrene box.

The Gearbox ECU is as pictured on DAS 3 cars which have the solid , non flick knife keys.
Will said:
Oh dear....... :(

Doing some totally unrelated jobs on my W202 today/this evening which involved removing the trim/carpet from the passenger side footwell....

When I removed the carpet and trim, I noticed at first a 'shiney' patch on the plastic/sound deadening part near the back.....

After a quick look around, I seem to have traces of oil in the passenger footwell. :crazy: :eek:

As per Greg's picture (above) it seems to be mainly around the leads on the back, and primarily on the leads leading towards the black box that you can see. :eek:

It doesn't look like an alarm module to me. There is however another, smaller black box next to this which looks more like what I would expect the alarm to be.

The box which R2D2 (and I) assume to be the gearbox ECU has the following markings:



2020242f538*** (which is the VIN number of my car)

The oil appears to be golden/clear coloured. Does this sound like ATF to you? The only reason I ask is that I have never changed MB gearbox fluid myself, and from previous experience regular ATF I have come across has been red.

My car is operating/driving as per normal, but obviously this needs to be looked at ASAP as I certainly couldn't stomach a £2K bill for a knackered gearbox ECU.

Anyone know what this job entails (replacing the lead/plug?!?)

Many Thanks,


OH No.

I've sent you a PM with Steve's mobile number. Let us know how it goes. At least youve caught it before the ECU has gone!
sym said:
It may not be oil .... it could be rusty water from the blower motor caused by blocked drainage channels in the bottom of the windscreen area. Had this on my old 202 as well - passenger footwell was drenched with what I first thought was oil, but turned out not to be.

And I'm still sure that Siemens box is the alaarm control unit, not the gearbox ECU, but will stand to be corrected !


Definately, Definately oil. It is greasy, oily and golden yellow!

Leaves a shiney 'oily' film on the plastic and on cloths.

My car is a 1997 5-Speed Auto, but a pre-facelift. It has the flick-out key, aerial on the rear wing etc.

Shude or anyone, could you do a EPC check on the code that is in my first post:



2020242f538*** (which is the VIN number of my car)

Perhaps see if it comes up with anything? (Alarm box or gearbox ECU!)

I'll phone Steve shortly - can't work out if I should be pleased or not, ie the fact that my car still drives and I caught it now, or that it is another problem to fix! :(

I was looking to have the gearbox fliuid changed anyway, car is on 89K and although there is SH with the car, I have no idea if MB or anyone has changed the fluid (supposedly sealed for life aren't they ;) )

I'll keep you posted....

R2D2 said:
OH No.

I've sent you a PM with Steve's mobile number. Let us know how it goes. At least youve caught it before the ECU has gone!

Hi Greg,

You have PM,


sym said:
It may not be oil .... it could be rusty water from the blower motor caused by blocked drainage channels in the bottom of the windscreen area.

Hello, Please can someone tell me where to check for these drainage channels as I occasionally get some misting up of the windscreen when I restart after a short stop.
Will said:
Shude or anyone, could you do a EPC check on the code that is in my first post:



2020242f538*** (which is the VIN number of my car)

Perhaps see if it comes up with anything? (Alarm box or gearbox ECU!)

The EPC doesn't work that way, you have to find the item and it gives you the details if it is appropriate to the vehicle you're filtering for.

The online parts computer came up with this though:

A0265458232 : SWITCH : EUR 586.19

also, the most important digits of your VIN are the last 6, the rest can often be worked out but the last 6 are sequential :)
Will, will post later to bring us uptodate but will everyone get under their cars and check if that plug is covered in oil please. :(
Will I've tracked down two of the plastic plugs. I'll give the spare one to Steve in case you cant get one!

Spoke to Steve this afternoon, he called me to say he has located some of the plugs (are these the ones that you managed to locate Greg?)

Looks as though he can fit me in for Saturday. Bit of a journey for car repairs to Kent, but Steve sounded like he knows what he is talking about, and this fills me with confidence :)

Will phone him shortly to get address etc.

Apparantly a little more time consuming than fitting a plug as the loom needs to be cleaned etc.

I'll most likely be getting some other things looked at too, so i'll be heading over early Saturday if things go to plan.

Oh well, one of those things I suppose, but if you have not been in your passenger footwell before (on a late 90s MB with the 5-speed 722.66 gearbox), I would strongly get in there and check!

Ideally get under the car as Greg says and check the gearbox, or get it looked at on its next service.

Certainly doesn't seem to be an isolated incident - two vehicles, different years and different engine sizes, one pre facelift and one post facelift, along with the fact that both MB part places I telephoned were amazed to find loads on 'back order' and no stock anywhere in the UK (at Milton Keynes and all parts departments), plus none in group stock or anywhere in Germany! Worrying if you ask me!

So please, please check this when you get a chance. A knackered gearbox ECU would not be a nice way to learn about this fault. Better to prevent than cure in this case.


Does anyone know where this oil is actually coming from?

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