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Bit of a hub tidy up


MB Enthusiast
May 12, 2007
S63 Coupe
I've been doing this little job for the last few days and have decided to put it in it's own thread as opposed from clogging up various other places. It would normally have taken a day at the most but I had problems with running out of things, including patience and interest.

The car is a 2019 C217 AMG S63 with a relatively low mileage of around 1,000 so, in theory, it shouldn't need anything doing to it at all. However, we've all seen how the hubs/brake centres rust on these so I thought I'd get them done and out of the way as I can't use the car anyway in the current climate. This is not the first time I've done this job, I've done them on nearly everything I've owned over the last few years, but it does seem to be predominantly Mercedes that suffer the most for some reason.

I'm lucky in that I have a ramp in the garage so it makes the first part easy, which is removing the wheels. It makes it so much easier to remove them all at once as, once all the preparation is done, it's easy to just go round all four corners with the paint.

As I mentioned earlier, mine was in pretty good condition to start with but I've also managed to bring old rusty scabby things back to life with the same treatment, like this example when I had my 190E:

NSF B4.jpg

NSF After.jpg

Worth a mention at this stage that before you remove the wheel use a scribe, or even a marker pen, to determine which bit of the hub it covers and what is on view. Doing it now takes the guesswork out of it later and gives you a good guide for the masking to come. I know that some people paint the lot, centres included, but this is not something I ever do due to wheel fitment and wanting to torque it back up afterwards correctly.

This was what I started with on the 217: -

Hub Before.jpeg

As you can see not too bad at all, so relatively light prepping required but worth taking a bit of time as it's not a job that should warrant doing twice. All I did was a light rub down with a green Scotch-Brite pad which gets all the muck off and keys the surface for paint. The ones above on the 190E were done with a strip and clean disc as they needed something a bit more aggressive. Now it's just a case of masking it up. This sounds simple but in effect is probably the most time consuming part of the job and is something which needs to be done properly. I always start with the centre of the disc and work outwards, covering everything which I don't want paint on. This used to be the brake caliper and hoses, bits of suspension etc but nowadays I tend to cover the complete car with a couple of dust sheets, then mask up to these using doubled up newspaper. Single tends to be porous. As mentioned earlier, this takes time but it saves having to go round all the car with a clay bar afterwards if any overspray does get on the bodywork or glass.

Hub masked and in it's first coat of paint: -

01 OSR Masked.jpg

Front of car masked, rear and roof had the same treatment: -


The paint I use is Hammerite Smooth Silver in an aerosol. I gave mine three coats, with several light coats working better than one heavy one. I've tried brushing but never get the desired finish that way as I'm basically useless and impatient. I've been told by a few people that Hammerite is unsuitable for brakes but it's never let me down yet, even on my old 900bhp Taxi which used to be braked hard from well over twice the legal speed limit until we came close to running out of runway so I'm going to stick with it.

Finished product: -

06 OSR On.jpg

Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the finished job before I put the wheels back on but you can at least see how they look through this one. Not a perfect finish but a lot better than they were and they should hopefully now last for many months.

Time taken: Approximately 4 hours, most of which was spent masking up.
Cost: Maximum £20, I used one tin of paint and 2 partial rolls of masking tape (25mm + 50mm). Oh, and one sheet of Scotch-Brite.
Something I'm planning on doing myself today as well as paint my calipers. I'll probably take the calipers off in which case I'll take the discs off too to clean up and paint.
Are those disc top-hats steel on the 217?
This is what I have on the RC, similar mileage to yours, they are aluminium, look ok until you get really close.. (apologies for the dirty caliper!!)
Something I'm planning on doing myself today as well as paint my calipers. I'll probably take the calipers off in which case I'll take the discs off too to clean up and paint.

I would be tempted to do that if I were doing them again. It's got to be easier to whip the disc off than spend hours masking things up really...

Are those disc top-hats steel on the 217?

Yes, they're just one piece steel discs Peter, hence the need to get them done before they start attracting moisture. Not even looked at the ones on my RX, it's getting neglected again. :(
I’d expect them to be cast iron rather than steel.

Tidy job. Can’t see me doing mine any time soon.
I’d expect them to be cast iron rather than steel.

I will also assume that they're cast. I don't think that steel ones would last too long without warping on a lump the size of this really...

Tidy job. Can’t see me doing mine any time soon.

They were bugging me and, as we currently have plenty of time on our hands, it was a case of "why not". I may have some more to do now on the Lexus after having a quick look at it this morning, though may just replace the discs on that as they're pretty worn.
I also thought just popping the caliper and disc off would have saved hours of masking stuff off, a few bolts and a few sensors to unplug . It's a job I have done myself. Or am I missing something ? :dk:
Looks brilliant now :)

Wish i had the patience/garage/ramp to be able to do that :rolleyes:
Well, that didn't go exactly to plan! car on stands and wheel off for first proper look at the calipers. I thought they were bare metal with a grey plate bearing the word "MERCEDES" on the front but they are actually all grey pain but bloody dirty. Half hour with some rag and brake cleaner had them all looking spotless so thought I'd do the insides of the wheel. Got the normal crap off easily but there were lots of black dots everywhere. Tried fallout, no good. Tried brake cleaner, no good. Tried tar remover, no good. Tried various polishes of different coarseness and no good. So put the wheel back on and come inside for a rum and coke. Sod it!
The picture of the raised car so close to the roof :eek:
That could so easily end in tears :doh:
The picture of the raised car so close to the roof :eek:
That could so easily end in tears :doh:

It looks tighter than it is. ;) It's also because I have it a bit further forward than usual so it's a bit closer to the front of the garage but it is a big car in a little garage. I could lift the 190E right into the roof and have enough space to walk underneath it. There are a couple of safety measures in place just in case it does get too near to contact.

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