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Breakdown of expensive home security system.....


A Black Lab story for you (it's always Black Labs, it's the LAW)

I did a drop the other day and the driver notes said "DANGEROUSLY AGGRESSIVE DOG BEWARE" (the capitals meant the note was put on by head office)

A lady opened the door and there was a 4 month old Black Lab doing that 4 leg bouncy hop thing that they do when excited behind a stair gate. I said to the woman "Is that he DANGEROUSLY AGGRESSIVE DOG ". Don't ask she said !!!!

Apparently a couple of weeks before a driver had turned up and was so scared of dogs he literally threw the shopping at the woman. The puppy took this as playing and managed to bounce over the Stairgate. The driver run off and the puppy gave chase. The driver tried to jump into a skip but cocked it and the dog puppy nipped his sticky out **** !!!!!!

Seemed all a bit Benny Hill 😁

I do have a bit of sympathy for the driver but if you are that scared of dogs , you are in the wrong job.
Black Labs:
Vicious things. Difficult to socialise. Can't be trusted......
Start the weekend - Copy.jpg

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