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Buying a Cherished plate.


Dec 30, 2013
Sl63,honda crf450x, BMW x3, vespa lx50v, Honda goldwing in bits!
I'm in a bit of a dilemma, I've seen another plate I fancy....actually saw it a year or so ago....and I now have the funds to buy it.
But it was cheaper last year!
I don't need it, but I would like it as its a good family plate for me and the kids later on.
Its for sale on all the big dealer sites with prices varying from £2040-£2500.
Realistically I don't want to pay more than £1500 all in.
I inquired with a few dealers about 6 months ago for it and never really got a definitive reply.
Does anyone know of any tips,tricks or which dealers will take the lowest cut to get a sale?

The plate is AYT 8N which is why I don't want to pay over the top. The dealers know its going to be AYT8N/AYTON(8 with a bolt), but we all know that's illegal and spaced incorrectly and the standard plate isn't worth more in my opinion.

But my surname is Ayton :crazy:
thanks, but i think you've missed the point.
yup... just read the last bit!
I've just sold a plate for 4500K (returned to me). The dealer first called me out of the blue & offered 2.5K & said the interested party wouldn't want it at my minimum of 5K. I said forget it then. .

The dealer did actually leave it one full day before getting back to me with an offer of 4500K. But they were waiting for me to contact them within 24 hr & say ok then take 2.5K.

They can always tell how interested you are also. I'd make an offer via the website, not over the phone. They all usually have the same plates or can get them.
I would tell them you won't pay more than you will, they will have to cut down on their profit margin! It's absolutely ridiculous the mark up on some of their plates, one seller is advertising my plate for 7.5K MORE than what I have agreed I will accept! I have no doubt, when/if someone enquires about it, they will be met with 'there's not a lot in it for us' crap that they spout! That's what I was told when I bought it! I now know different!!
I got my first from DVLA directly in the days before they became mega popular, I paid the price there was no discount available.

The second which I bought for my wife was from one of the bigger dealers, I did get a bit of discount but not much.

The latest, which was my own treat, I bought at a DVLA auction, by far the best way to buy IMO, and fun too.

Best advice would be to give them a call ask for best price and make a proposal, I don't believe you have many buyers tactics in the way you might have when buying a car so just go for it....

Offer the dealer £1,200 to start with (and don't feel that your being rude, I was in the same position as you a few years go and this is what I did)

After abit of idle chat I said I would think about upping my offer and I would get back to them within 24hours (which I didn't). So they contacted me first thing the following morning and after abit more idle chat I agreed to come up by £200 from my original offer but I was not going to pay any more than that.
in short a plate that was up for £2,000 I paid £1,200 all in (i.e. VAT ect.......)
My First name is Mat, Surname is Ayton

MAT 8N is my current plate ,spaced correctly, no illegalness

the AYT8N plate would be doctored ever so slightly and spaced wrong, which is why I don't want to pay over the odds for it.

I got MAT 8N direct from dvla auctions, which I agree is the best way to get a decent realistically priced plate.
May I respectfully sugest that you put he money towards a better car:bannana:
May I respectfully sugest that you put he money towards a better car:bannana:

Cars and plates don't necessarily go hand in hand there seems no correlation from experience. For example some peeps drive a jalopy with a £40k plate, some a £40k car with a £250 plate and a wealth of combos in between.

I guess you have to want one, but not have to justify it.

May I respectfully sugest that you put he money towards a better car:bannana:

my next car wont be a mercedes. ferrari,lambo or bentley.
the new plate would go on my sons car or my bike.

i don't think £1500-£2k would make much difference in car stakes, maybe get something less economical and less reliable for the same genre of car?

and that wasn't really respectful, no matter how you put it or how many bananas you have dancing:dk:
ras8963 said:
Cars and plates don't necessarily go hand in hand there seems no correlation from experience. For example some peeps drive a jalopy with a £40k plate, some a £40k car with a £250 plate and a wealth of combos in between. I guess you have to want one, but not have to justify it. ATB:cool:

Couldn't agree more! My plate is worth more than my car. Difference is, my plate will appreciate in value and my car won't!! Good on you Mat for trying to get that plate, personally I think it's spot on for you and will look the nuts!
May I respectfully sugest that you put he money towards a better car:bannana:

What an ignorant suggestion, well done. I've got three very worthy plates which haven't depreciated in value, the cars have.
£20k on a car for 5 years works out at £4k a year and will likely lose value.
£5k on a nice plate for 30 years, then hand it down for another 40 is £70 a year and will likely rise in value.

personally my car is my toy,my hobby, my pleasure and my fun. it's not a tool.
I would prefer to modify it slightly to look different from others and stand out. people know my cars by my plate. i think the latest style of plate look hidieous, i'd rather have a cheap 3x4 irish plate than a modern 2x2x3 monstrosity stuck on the front and back of it.
As already said offer them £1200 the dealer will probably not own the plate and is selling for a third party.
I recently brought a plate for £800 it was listed else ware for £2100 but the plate owner was happy to accept my offer.
Offer the dealer £1,200 to start with (and don't feel that your being rude, I was in the same position as you a few years go and this is what I did)

After abit of idle chat I said I would think about upping my offer and I would get back to them within 24hours (which I didn't). So they contacted me first thing the following morning and after abit more idle chat I agreed to come up by £200 from my original offer but I was not going to pay any more than that.
in short a plate that was up for £2,000 I paid £1,200 all in (i.e. VAT ect.......)

As above, leave your number with them after making the low offer. Even better for you if the number is with multiple agencies as they will be very keen to achieve the sale.
than a modern 2x2x3 monstrosity stuck on the front and back of it.

I collect my 2x2x3 tomorrow.

It is a goodie though :thumb:.

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