I've searched around on the forum and think I know whats causing my rattle noise, however I'd like a confirmation if possible.
When starting from cold, I get a tappety-rattle from what sounds like the front-top of the engine. Classic diesel sounding noise. I've had very similar noises on two previous cars that had VVTI rattle.
This is most noticeable when in 'Drive', as when I put it in 'Park' the noise will disappear, and the noise will also disappear when you increase the revs a bit. The noise has also disappeared if I switch the Air/Con off. (Although that is not always the case)
Once the car is warm, the noise is no longer there - she purrs quietly.
Now having looked around, I'm suspecting the tappets / hydraulic lifters, but when factoring in the A/C sometimes having an effect over the noise, perhaps the clutch bearings are going on that?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
When starting from cold, I get a tappety-rattle from what sounds like the front-top of the engine. Classic diesel sounding noise. I've had very similar noises on two previous cars that had VVTI rattle.
This is most noticeable when in 'Drive', as when I put it in 'Park' the noise will disappear, and the noise will also disappear when you increase the revs a bit. The noise has also disappeared if I switch the Air/Con off. (Although that is not always the case)
Once the car is warm, the noise is no longer there - she purrs quietly.
Now having looked around, I'm suspecting the tappets / hydraulic lifters, but when factoring in the A/C sometimes having an effect over the noise, perhaps the clutch bearings are going on that?
Any pointers would be appreciated.