Hi, Just sense checking here as i do need to get to work on this issue shortly.
My c32 has since i bought it produced woeful MPG numbers, its also kicking out a huge amount of head from the cats which combined with a sooty looking exhause leads me to conclude its running rich, very rich.
Driving like a granny sees about 20mpg booting it sees about 6mpg.
Looking at the lamdba volts on my phone shows that they are fluctuating and do hit some of the higher numbers cir .9v iirc.
No fualt lights or codes are lit (apart from my srs one).
I am presuming that the lambda's are the fault given the age of the car and its consumption.
Any thoughts?
The dash is showing a normal coolant temp so i am presuming this sensor is good, but does the ecu have its own sender?
Will the ecu on these engines take a universal bosch or walker lambda without throwing its toys from the pram?
many thanks in advance.
My c32 has since i bought it produced woeful MPG numbers, its also kicking out a huge amount of head from the cats which combined with a sooty looking exhause leads me to conclude its running rich, very rich.
Driving like a granny sees about 20mpg booting it sees about 6mpg.
Looking at the lamdba volts on my phone shows that they are fluctuating and do hit some of the higher numbers cir .9v iirc.
No fualt lights or codes are lit (apart from my srs one).
I am presuming that the lambda's are the fault given the age of the car and its consumption.
Any thoughts?
The dash is showing a normal coolant temp so i am presuming this sensor is good, but does the ecu have its own sender?
Will the ecu on these engines take a universal bosch or walker lambda without throwing its toys from the pram?
many thanks in advance.