I'm confused about the differences in monoblock amg wheels.
Are these AMG? the seller says they are original mb.. but they have no AMG stamp on the front?
I dont know if there are any genuine ones without the logo, but having the logo doesnt mean they are genuine either as replicas often have the logo too.
If they are genuine they will have mercedes part numbers and the rim size and width stamped on them. Ask the seller for this info, or a picture showing this info on the alloy. With a staggered setup there will be different part numbers and wheel widths for the front and rear alloys.
If they are genuine mercedes, does this mean they are AMG wheels? Or did mercedes ever do a non AMG version (since I've seen a lot of different monoblock designs with no AMG stamps on etc..
Ian Walker just picked up a 124 coupe with similar rims and he assures me they have MB part numbers on the back, made by Ronal. Sounds plausible but I'm still not convinced they are original MB wheels.