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Clarkson on 4x4s.....

I'm sure the real Swiss Toni would say something like:

"Listening to the radio is very much like making love to a beautiful woman. You start by delicately pressing buttons, making sure you're tuned to the perfect wavelength. Then you have to pay attention to every sound and utterance. Once it gets going you can just sit back, shut your eyes and try not to fall asleep."

Will check out the show when I get home :)
Well, Paul, it is....

First you have to turn it on.
Fiddle with your knob until you get the right frequency.
Sweet music or talk - your choice.
Concentrate, or think of something else with it on in the background.
Take a break on the hour and half hour.

and as soon as you think of Terry Wogan, you want to stop it all.

Swiss Toni said:
Listen to....


32 minutes in (you can forward to that point!).

V Funny - I thought?! :D

Hilarious. Just listened to it. Whoever that George bloke is, he is a prat. I'm not a huge fan of Mr Clarkson but I think he kept his dignity and didnt stoop to the low blows that were fired at him whether he does have a 2" 'manhood' or not.
very funny !!! im sure clarkson will have somthing to say on one of his shows about that interview. thanks for posting that, it did make me smile. :D

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