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Country lane cruising?


Active Member
Oct 14, 2022
Mercedes 200 1983
I’m driving north to south, I enjoy just cruising along and taking in the scenery avoiding motorways and even dual carriageways just to take in the landscape.

Yesterday, two separate drivers got agitated at me for doing 50mph on a small, winding country lane.
Am I in the wrong here?

Does no one just enjoy a steady cruise along anymore? Is everything just about speed from a to b?
I’m driving north to south, I enjoy just cruising along and taking in the scenery avoiding motorways and even dual carriageways just to take in the landscape.

Yesterday, two separate drivers got agitated at me for doing 50mph on a small, winding country lane.
Am I in the wrong here?

Does no one just enjoy a steady cruise along anymore? Is everything just about speed from a to b?
Difficult to comment without being there. One thing to note is that locals often drive much faster on such roads, and so cruising at 50 mph could be holding them up relative to their usual speed.

You can only drive at the speed that is safe for the specific conditions and what you are comfortable with. If others wish to pass them let them, or better still by trying to make easy for them.

I often get overtaken on roads with speed bumps as I drive slowly on those roads to drive in the spirit in which road planners intended and avoid unnecessary damage and wear on my car.
I’m driving north to south, I enjoy just cruising along and taking in the scenery avoiding motorways and even dual carriageways just to take in the landscape.

Yesterday, two separate drivers got agitated at me for doing 50mph on a small, winding country lane.
Am I in the wrong here?

Does no one just enjoy a steady cruise along anymore? Is everything just about speed from a to b?
Imho no, you are driving at an entirely acceptable speed.
There are predominantly rural roads around my home, and 50mph would be reckless on some of them (tightening corners, blind bends, deer, tractors with wide machinery attached, manic mamils etc).
On the stretches where the 60mph limit would be viable, if you know the road & someone in fromt is driving "appropriately cautiously" I can simply use my local knowledge to overtake when suitable.
I personally would never deride anyone for tootling along enjoying the views, good on them I say.*

* possible exception, large gaggles of mamils riding 3-4 abreast & delighting in forming a mobile raoadblock.
As the speed limit must have been 60mph, which is the max speed, not the minimum, the drivers you refer to
are bullies and ignorant. An important point re these 2 drivers as they must have lacked the expertise to drive, the highway code knowledge and lacked common sense otherwise they could have overtaken at a safe spot as you were going ten mph below the max limit and any driver with a half decent car and reasonable driving skill there is no reason they could not overtake safely subject to weather/road conditions.

If someone is driving up my rear bumper and many clowns do in 20/30mph zones and at times country lanes, I drive as fast as I can as safely
You can only drive at the speed that is safe for the specific conditions and what you are comfortable with. If others wish to pass them let them, or better still by trying to make easy for them.

I always am mindful of letting others pass, just sometimes if the lane is very narrow the locals can get caught behind for a little bit.

Just the lack of understanding that maybe I’m just enjoying the drive and don’t want to shoot by fast.
IME it doesn't seem to matter what speed you're doing, there's always someone who wants to go faster. I try to let them get on with it as soon as possible; I prefer to be looking out the windscreen rather than having my eyes glued to the mirrors to try and second guess what they are going to do next.
IME it doesn't seem to matter what speed you're doing, there's always someone who wants to go faster. I try to let them get on with it as soon as possible; I prefer to be looking out the windscreen rather than having my eyes glued to the mirrors to try and second guess what they are going to do next.

At times that is easier said than done.
On our way back from Eastbourne in Sept - a clown who at times was at my rear bumper and then half a mile back, I drove as I saw fit, eg max speed where I felt confident and IMO safer parts of the single road and slower where many sharper bends and down to 30mph where speed limit changed near some properties etc - I concentrate on my driving but always mindful what is happening not just in front of me but behind as well. Giving way on straights and sticking to the speed I am travelling at, most of these clowns can't overtake - I've even slowed down to 40 but I guess they are too busy ranting, on the phone/texting or changing radio stations or having a smoke/vape - so it is not always possible.

I've had drivers trying to intimidate me but I keep calm, concentrate on the road ahead and where possible pull over to the side or slow do to a safe speed to let these clowns pass. Often, I catch up with them a few minutes later when they are stuck behind more traffic.

These country roads are very dangerous and just because the clowns may be familiar with the layout etc, not everyone is and not everyone has the same driving ability or the car to match their speeds or importantly, drivers like you and me don't do reckless/careless/dangerous driving.
It does annoy me when drivers do 40 or 50 mph on the back roads around here......but I've lived hear my whole life and know these roads like the back of my hand.........they might not, so I dont hassle them and pass safely if and when I can. If someone clearly wants to get by you its common curtesy to pull over and let them. What really annoys me is when they are driving at 40 and completely oblivious to others around them and the big queue forming in their wake......and yet carry on doing 40 when they enter a 30 zone.....turning from an annoyance to a dangerous driver within a few feet!!!
Just remember, its their fault if they run in the back of you. Drive at your pace, its not illegal. The only time i have ever pulled over to let a queue pass is when i used to pull a big white wobble box in the UK , its compulsory to hold everyone up in France 😇
Not illegal.....but show poor road manners. low driving standards and lack of awareness off what's going on around you. Not aimed at any particular poster here.....but.......Not sure what people like that think gives them the right to make a whole queue drive at 40 on a road that clearly open enough to do 50 or 60 on. Sure drive at whatever speed you want.....but don't make the rest of us queueing behind you drive at your slow pace.....there is usually a layby you can use to let other pass.....like I do when towing caravans..although I don't slow many down and occasionally overtake the dawdlers!! A little but of courtesy and thought for others goes a long way in this world.
Just remember, it’s their fault if they run in the back of you. Drive at your pace, it’s not illegal. The only time i have ever pulled over to let a queue pass is when i used to pull a big white wobble box in the UK , its compulsory to hold everyone up in France 😇
Exactly this ^. Concentrate on what’s ahead, not behind 😊
What really annoys me is when they are driving at 40 and completely oblivious to others around them and the big queue forming in their wake......and yet carry on doing 40 when they enter a 30 zone

The other annoyance is the driver who insists on travelling at 20mph below the speed limit where there's no opportunity to overtake for visibility reasons yet it's safe to travel significantly faster, but as soon as the road opens up and there's visibility for an overtake they accelerate briskly up to the posted limit making it difficult or impossible to pass them.
If someone is driving up my rear bumper and many clowns do in 20/30mph zones and at times country lanes, I drive as fast as I can as safely

The closer they get the slower i go. 😇
Especially in town.

When somebody is driving too close behind me, I take the opportunity to wash my windscreen. It's amazing how many times the driver in the car behind copies me...

(Yes, I do get the irony - a BMW being tailgated. I also delight in using my indicators...)

The other annoyance is the driver who insists on travelling at 20mph below the speed limit where there's no opportunity to overtake for visibility reasons yet it's safe to travel significantly faster, but as soon as the road opens up and there's visibility for an overtake they accelerate briskly up to the posted limit making it difficult or impossible to pass them.
That's the worst!
I’m driving north to south, I enjoy just cruising along and taking in the scenery avoiding motorways and even dual carriageways just to take in the landscape.
Perhaps spend a higher proportion of your time observing what’s going on on the road around you. That’ll give you more opportunity to see those other road users who know the local scenery all too well and want (or even need) to get a move on legally. That extra bit of observation will also make it easier for you to spot a convenient place to let them pass you safely.

When you’re driving, the only important bit of landscape is the road and its immediate surroundings. The general scenery is there for your passengers to enjoy.
All the roads round us are NSL but narrow (mostly single track with passing places), unlit, bordered by tall hedges, and with no pavements. A pedestrian (commonly with dog) / cyclist / horse / tractor / etc. could be round any bend so 60 mph would be totally insane. Some drivers do appear to have a death wish though.
A pedestrian (commonly with dog) / cyclist / horse / tractor / etc. could be round any bend so 60 mph would be totally insane.
Which is why it's important to drive to the conditions and not see the posted limit as a target.

But it's the business of none of us - with the exception of law enforcement - to decide what speed someone else can travel at by obstructing them. I'd wager (without evidence of course as this is the internet after all ;)) that there are as many loss of control incidents on two-lane roads borne of frustration overtakes going wrong as there are due to anything else.
Exactly this ^. Concentrate on what’s ahead, not behind 😊
Tell me you're joking.......that's a bad thing to do....good drivers are constantly looking all around to spot that overtaking biker or speeding car coming up fast from behind. Clearly not an Advanced motorist....or a biker.......observation is king for safe driving.
As far as whoever said "if someone hits you from behind its their fault"......well I hope that will be great comfort to you whilst laying there in hospital with your broken back in traction!!!! Avoiding the accident in the first place is better worrying about whose liable after the event.

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