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Creaking seats. HELP!


Active Member
Aug 1, 2007
buxton, derbyshire
C200k Coupe 2003
My MB's only done 19'000 miles, but now, both the drivers and passenger seat creak when occupied.:crazy:

Can anyone tell me how to rectify this?


Not encountered it on an MB, but I had recaro seats in a string of Vauxhalls and they all squeeked after a little while. The dealer used a silicon-based lubricant each service but it wasn't a permanent fix.
When I looked on WIS, there was a specific section for this but that was for the S Class, if you have creaking seats then there may be something at the dealers to address the matter.
On WIS it said something like 'if customer complains of creaking seats, take xyz course of action and replace xyz parts under warranty' or something like that.
My WIS is down at the moment otherwise I would look for you.
Mine(cl203) creak too, but 5 1/2 yrs old & 60k. Would be interested in solution...
I've looked on EPC and the seats basically consist of a cushion on a metal base. There's nothing obvious what should make them creak.

Wunderparts. I'll look on WIS tonight and see if I can find anything.

Yep WIS documents steps to eliminate creaky seats. Think there is a part you place between the cushion and the frame....
its probably the leather rubbing against the plasticy edges of the chair... put something between them like foam/cloth or something..
mine was the plastic under the rear of my seat(rear passengers footwell) removed it oiled it plus the seat spring and all ok.:)
kjay seat creaking

kjay ,

I had the same problem back for the dealers before they replaced the seatbase,

But prior to that the took the seat out and greased up the plastic bushes/brackets that hold the seat base to the frame.

You can buy these bushes etc from the dealers they are not expensive circa £2-3 each if I remember .

Not though after they greased my bushes when I take the corners a little too enthusiastically the seat base slides side to side a little.

When I am in the dealers next I am going to order the bushes /brackets and replace them.

I will try and find some part nos.

I have had pervious post on this .If I remember rightly someone posted some numbers and wis files describing possible sources etc

Hope this helps:)
This has been getting worse, and today (finally:rolleyes: ) I decided to tackle it.

It appears that mine was all caused by where the side part of the seat rubs against the plastic mouldings at each side.

I cut up one of the GF's black tops :D and placed it between the two areas and all the creaking has stopped. It's a very temporary fix, but so nice to drive again now without the any creaking!!!

I'm thinking that the same result would be achieved by somehow lubricating the sides of the seats or retrimming with a different material.


Perhaps the mouldings can be eased away from the seat?

My leather seats have fabric inserts along the sides but they don't really touch the plastic..
Perhaps the mouldings can be eased away from the seat?

My leather seats have fabric inserts along the sides but they don't really touch the plastic..

Yeah, mine are the same. Leather, but with fabric at the sides - but they do touch the plastic:mad:
One drastic:eek: idea was to dremmel the plastic side mouldings, so they don't touch. I'm not sure about this yet.

Yeah, mine are the same. Leather, but with fabric at the sides - but they do touch the plastic:mad:
One drastic:eek: idea was to dremmel the plastic side mouldings, so they don't touch. I'm not sure about this yet.


Nooo! :eek: There must be a better way? Perhaps a wedge where they attach? to space them from the seat cushion?

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