MB Master
Imagine my surprise recently while driving past my local Alfa Romeo agent [ Western Alfa Romeo] on the old Edinburgh Road Perth to see a large MERCEDES BENZ sign complete with logo prominently displayed on the old Western SAAB showroom. Was I an unwitting witness to a Ukrainian type revolution in challenging Arnold Clark's vice like grip on Mercedes in Northern Scotland. Apparently not - in the aftermath of Arnold buying the John R WEIR group lock stock and barrel- they sold off the Mercedes Commercial division part to the WESTERN group in 2012 . The old Camperdown dealership in Dundee had a pretty big commercial division and it would appear to continue under the Western Commercial Banner. An offshoot of this would be this Perth Outlet. I had only recently clocked the sign. - Western Commercial gets Mercedes-Benz Truck and Van franchise for Dundee - Western Commercial gets Mercedes-Benz Truck and Van franchise for Dundee