But are normal tail lights really that bad in fog - the fog slows you down to the point where so you don't need to see as far as you normally would and even with a larger gap the normal tail lights are visibile. Also the speed differentials are less in fog, so you are unlikely to come up quickly behind someone (unless they are braking - in which case their brake lights do the job).
High intensity rear lamps do make your vehicle visible from a greater distance in fog or snow etc .
However , since all drivers should at all times be travelling at such a speed that they can stop safely in the distance they can see to be clear ahead of them ( thus being able to avoid an unlit stationary obstruction ; visualise a skip lying in the road with no warning lights ! ) , rear foglights would , in theory , not be neccessary . In practice , a large number of drivers do not slow down sufficiently in fog so the lights do give added protection .