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DO Mercedes Simply copy others and lack design innovation?

Are Mercedes Trend Setters or Trend followers

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Purely in terms of the shape and styling of the car body Mercedes Benz has produced designs of near pure aesthetic perfection & have been copied more times than I care to list - but this time the new E class is not a leader, it is clearly a follower.

How was the affair last week with the black model?? Looked good with her top off lol
LOL!! She was NICE!! I enjoyed her with her top on and off! :D
Only thing I noticed, the top started rattling when on!!! :)
In car design you start at the top which is the Aston Martin and work down finishing with the BMW 1 series. MB design over recent years has become a bit flash, in the past you could not fault any of the models, just like BMW they are in need of a big shake up.

I think i was wrong with this thread.

In light of recent findings and all your comments, it appears mercedes was influential from the outset and only now their new designs relate to themes of say 50-60 yrs ago, where as other marques have similar designs which may have come out 5 years ago, and mercedes newer models came out 4 years ago perceiving that mercedes copied others, when in essence mercedes has just developed on their own theme from many many years ago!

remember this concept.. many themes appear today ie - position of sat nav at top

Don't forget there is more and more legislation that dictates what can and cannot ber acceptable.

The Mercedes-Benz COMAND systemwas quite low down in the cockpit of the car, but recent legislation dictated the maximum angle the driver could look down at the video screen and hey ho.. Up it had to come and imediately folks were screaming about how this manufacturer had copied BMW with their video screen which complied with the latest legislation.

I just hope we keepour gun sight on the bonnet of our beautiful cars :devil::D

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