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Jan 1, 2008
Mercedes ML270CDi (w163)
Well my first merc and things not going well, First the Temp gauge goes from zero to 90c, even when I switch on with stone cold engine, starts OK put the elec fan cuts in and the sound is like a Prop aeroplane about to take off, then after about 15 mins travelling the revs die right down, put the pedal down to kickdown and off we go for another few mins and then same again, I took the Air Flow Meter out and gave it a clean ( was'nt oily or damp or even dirty as such) any way put it all back, and now cant get any power at all in "D" its just about drivable using the tiptronic, But only just, I then unpluged the Air Flow Meter and there was no differance,
So anyone got Helpful advice? Tommorow I will get a new Air Flow Meter, but what about the Gauge and the Fan screaming its head off.
Ive gone on abit sorry, But worried.
When the revs die down AFTER 15mins into the journey what happens to the temperature gauge reading--is it still reading 90 or does it read something like normal. Then when you kick down does the temp gauge go back to a higher reading? Dont think your problem has anything to do with the MAF Sounds more like the fan control circuitry is sensing the engine is hot when its not. Sounds a bit like voltage irregularities to me- ALTERNATOR/BATTERY related???
Sounds like the temperature sensor is faulty bringing on the fans and possibly causing the ECU to go into limp home so cutting the power to preserve the engine.

Check and replace the sensor first.
Could this be a wiring loom problem - insulation breakdown leading to intermittent short circuit on the coolant temperature sensor wires, and possibly others?
First thanks to "Grober" I did notice that, what you say about temp gauge is spot on, thanks "Dieselman" our local "Europarts" have Temp senors in stock, But where do I find it in the engineroom ?.
Cheers Dave.
I have been through every known fault on the 210206 and have nothing on this problem.

The only car where this is common is the 202 where the control box mounted behind the bumper fills with water.

In view of all the rain we are have I am wondering if This problem is water related.
I will do more searches in the morning.

Re the MAF if it runs the same with it unplugged then I doubt if it is faulty.

I will post back in the morning
Malcolm thats another good point, I had to drive though a deep flood had no option, But it was about a week before I started getting problems.
Cheers Dave.
In the link that lastminute put up item 47 if the plug on the top of that is pulled then the gauge should drop back to zero, the resistance measured across this sensor when cold should be over 10k ohms and around 4.7k to start the gauge moving when the engine is just starting to warm to 2k at 80c
Hi, an update on my problem in this thread, After a lot of V/good advice
(many thanks to all) I bought a new water temp sensor (£8.64 inc.,) from MB and installed, As you know I cleaned the MAF and put that back, Switched on and temp gauge stayed on zero, started engine everything OK and no Fan running, Out for a test drive now it is driveable without being embarressed, still got no kick down and wont rev over 3K, any ideas please.
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If it will not rev over 3k then it is in Limp Mode and you need to get the car put on a Computer at the Dealers to see what the fault codes are, as it could be anything.
Might be worth disconnecting the battery to see if the temp sensor fault put the ECU into fixed limp home mode

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