for me resisting the amg's pull is getting harder by the day!
my family business is in london where i am during the week but my better half is from leicester where we have a flat and where im most weekends.
Arrive at:
Total Miles:
Estimated Time:
2 mins 32 secs
thats the travel time from our flat to the car dealer that has the clk55 in the link above, i never use that road so probably would have never known it was there but for mbclub
plus today while on an errands from work i stop at a lights in wembley, again not a road i normally travel, look to my right at a very smart home with a garden full of mercedes, new ml, newish c class and in the corner a gleaming w208 clk55 on cls amg rims
with this fresh on my mind while at the bank they inform me gleefully im pre approved for a loan
do you think the gods are telling me to buy one?:bannana:
anyway if its still there this sat im going to have a nose, ill take my 4yo niece as well so ive got a responsible person with me so stop me doing something
ill post with any info i may find out