I sent the throttle body (Electronic throttle actuator) to BBA reman in Kent for repair, £99 + post and they give a lifetime guarantee). They found a fault and rewired the ETA. After refitting the ETA the star computer showed 0 faults. The car made 5 good cold starts (no ASR light on) On the 6th cold start the ASR light came on. I returned the car to MB World, they removed the ETA and returned it to BBA. BBA found no further faults so sent the ETA back to MBW who refitted it. I'm nearly at my wits end by now as the ASR fault seems untraceable. MBW suggested trying a new ETA at a cost of £940 + labour..........
My fear was what if it doesn't fix the fault? MBW agree to fit a new ETA and allow me one week to test it before paying for it. So far I've done 7 cold starts with no ASR light. Not only has the ASR fauly finally been resolved, the car is producing bottom end performance like never before. She also starts more willingly and smells clean. Before she smelt a bit eggy when started from cold. The MPG gauge now sits on the better side of 30mpg at all cruising speeds from 30mph to 80mph where as before it hovered around 25 - 27 mpg.
Its taken nearly 3 years to resolve this, the problem being there were no ETAs showing in the UK and it was doubtful whether Germany would have let MBW have one to test with. By chance one was found at Milton Kyenes so I concider myself very lucky. The SL feels and runs like a new car inspite of her 17 years. The power and torque are incredible. There are no flat spots, the acceleration is smooth, and very powerful from standstill well into illegal territory.
Even though this has been an expensive journey, I've still got a faultless R129 for a fraction of the £80,000 retail price which to me is the finest built SL ever to come out of Stutgart