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Horn Question!


Active Member
Jul 25, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
C200 W202
Hey guys,

Does anyone know, or has anyone ever changed the horn in their car?
i have a 96 W202 C200 and the horn is crap :)

It's very soft and when people are drifting into my lane and i need to
alert them that they are about to hit my car. I can't cause i "horn away":)
to no avail, cause they just can't hear it....

Is it a big job?

Where is it located?

Any help would be great...

I once changed the horn in an Audi 80 coupe for twin horns. Very easy as the relay in the car worked the new horns without any clever electrics. All I did was remove the old horns and disgard and fit the new ones to a suitable mounting in virtually the same place and then conect up the live and earth and bingo, new loud horns.
Hey guys,

Does anyone know, or has anyone ever changed the horn in their car?
i have a 96 W202 C200 and the horn is crap :)

It's very soft and when people are drifting into my lane and i need to
alert them that they are about to hit my car. I can't cause i "horn away":)
to no avail, cause they just can't hear it....

Is it a big job?

Where is it located?

Any help would be great...


Horns in middle below slam panel.

Perhaps one has croaked?

Should make a good intimidating parp.
The one on my Vito sounds like a Noddy car (used it for the first time last week - had the van 12 months). Not much use as a warning device at motorway speeds, IMO.
The one on my Vito sounds like a Noddy car (used it for the first time last week - had the van 12 months). Not much use as a warning device at motorway speeds, IMO.

They've only got the one horn (as I recall), you could convert to twin horns for a bit more presence...
So when you say there are two horns.
Is it two separate horns?
or is it one horn with two outlets???

P.S. where is the slam panel?

Also is it easily accessible?

Two separate horns one LO tone, and one HI tone.
Slam panel is the panel just in front of the radiator.
Get yourself one of these ....


Video of them in action ... ( Terror on the streets volume 4 ;) ) watch the gangsters run at 1.28 :D


Been thinking about putting a boat horn on mine ( i can get one cheap ! )
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We've got some 12V ( non compressed air ) ones in the chandlery at the moment , they are proper loud as i found when i connected one up to a battery the other day ' to see what it sounded like ' :crazy: :crazy:

That hornblasters vid just makes me laugh so much every time ( and inspires me ! )
Many years ago I had a Kawasaki Z650 (great bike BTW) to which I fitted a pair of extremely loud air horns. Whilst riding through a town one day some dozy bint pulled out of a side road in front of me, saw me and stopped right in my path. I braked hard and came to a halt about six inches from her open drivers window. It was too good an opportunity to resist :devil:

She received the full benefit of the Fiamms :D

You know those cartoon moments when the hair stands on end/gets blown backwards for maximum comedy effect? It was like that only funnier :bannana:
I had a car years ago with air horns and they were effective, but our old Fiat had proper Italian electric jobbies. They made your ears bleed..
Can anyone suggest a horn that i can install myself?


Most decent car parts shops will sell horns. Either go for a regular button style horn for a town Peep or a Snail shell horn for a proper Parp. Best with two at different tones.

A selection of sounds..

And of course there's always the venerable.......:D
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I put these on my Nissan Navara, which had a bit of a girly peep for such a large thing......

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