<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 21998" data-quote="ringway" data-source="post: 2822377"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2822377"
data-content-selector="#post-2822377">ringway said:</a>
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I'm pleased to announce that Elizabeth passed her test at the first attempt on the 5th of November.<br />
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As well as her instructor lessons, as with my son Les, I took Elizabeth out for long lessons which enabled me to teach and also gauge her progress, which although time-consuming, was very enjoyable and worthwhile.<br />
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I was a little confused as to why two men went out on the test with her (so was she!) and it transpires that the examiner was being (periodically?) examined!<br />
She must have driven to the top of her game, because I should think the examiner would be keen to show he was doing his job properly and I'm also heartened that she is deemed safe enough to be on the public highway.<br />
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I have now insured the car in Elizabeth's name, with Les and I as named drivers.<br />
To do this with Hastings Direct was circa £1100.<br />
I managed to get fully comp cover with Insure The Box (they will install a black box in the next few days) for around £780 which is a very fair result.<br />
<br />
Many thanks for the advice and information. <img src="/styles/mbclub/smilies/thumb.gif" class="smilie" loading="lazy" alt=":thumb:" title="Thumb :thumb:" data-shortname=":thumb:" />
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Congratulations! Bit late to the party but this was the way I did it with the wife. I bought her a car whilst she was learning. I bit the bullet and insured it under her name with me as a named driver so I could give her lessons. Less than a year later she passed and her premium went up as she was now a inexperienced driver on the road herself, however she had accrued a year's no claims already as she had the policy in her name. A couple of years later her premiums have come down dramatically and the extra year's no claims was useful which was gained whilst learning. It was an older Seat 1.9TDI, starting at around £1700 for insurance but is now around £600 through admiral.</div>