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More identity theft....


Jun 2, 2002
West London
SL500 & The Fart Car
A couple of weeks ago my wife received some insurance paperwork through the post for a credit card we didn't know anything about. We rang the card issuer and found that a card had been applied for in her name and address and DOB but incorrect employment details. So luckily we got in contact in time and the card hadn't been issued yet and we stopped it before it could go any further.

The card issuer claimed to put a flag on our address with the credit reference agencies which should help to protect from future problems of the same nature.

Last night I returned from work and found a letter in my name referring to insurance on a catalogue company... So I rang them up and sure enough, someone had recently opened an account in my name and address and goods were awaiting shipment. I asked what card details had been used to [place the order and they said none were required as they'd invoice 30 days later for the items. So I cancelled the account and put a stop to the order, so for now all is well.

Now three things spring to mind here...

The first one is this seems to be the beginning rather than the end of something and I'm rather concerned how far this will go as time progresses.

The second thing is that in order for the perp to get either the credit card or the item from the catalogue company, they must be able to get to my mail before I do. I'm thinking sorting office/postie or possibly some scroat maybe managing to reach in through the letterbox while I am at work - or worse, gain access to the house somehow.

The third is despite the flag on our address, the catalogue company was happy to send out goods in my name with no proof of identity whatsoever.

I phoned the police but they don't really seem interested at this point because no-one has yet succeeded in getting any money or goods. :crazy:

The weird thing is that I have no joint accounts with the wife (for both our details to be found together) and we are religious about shredding all documentation/receipts etc.

I don't really know where to go from here but I cant say I'm happy about sitting back and doing nothing - waiting for large bills to come in from wherever.
The chances are Sp!ke, that the beginning of the matter and the end are close together.

Usually, once a perp gets wind of the fact that they've been rumbled (and cancelling the various accounts and things will signal that), then they'll move on to another victim. In this case, the chances are they will never know (as your address is the correspondence address), so the matter is probably dead already

Did the catalogue company have your address as the delivery address, or just the account address? If the plan was to intercept these items before they got to your front door, then you'd not be liable, as you would not have signed the POD. Often, scams like this are done just to test the water, and in practice, the goods would have arrived at your door, you'd have returned them and closed the account. End of.

Bear in mind your wifes (and your own) name, address and DOB are in the public domain, and the fact that they got your wife's employment details wrong shows that they don't actually have access to anything more 'personal'.

It's concerning, I agree, and it seems that it's becoming more widespread. However, just bear in mind this has been done with publicly available personal data, and as long as your address is used for all deliveries of goods or paperwork, then you'll be able to monitor and act upon anything dodgy going on. If your address isn't being used for either the deliveries or the correspondence, then I'm not sure it's your problem anyway. If stuff is getting intercepted before you see it, then it's down to the creditor to prove you had the goods, and owe them money, rather than for you to prove otherwise.

I don't know that you can do anything other than 'sit back', because you'll have no idea who to contact to see if accounts have been opened in your name.


Early last year, somebody I know received a cheque from the Royal School of Music. Payable to her personally, but addressed to her at an office of her employer that she's not based in. She called the RSM to find out why she got the cheque (£7k), to be told it was a forgery, and she should call the police, which she did. Several weeks later, she got another, this time for £10k. Again, it went to the police. Apparently, this had happened several dozen times, with a fair number of 'victim' companies. What the police couldn't fathom was what the perp hoped to gain. They didn't stand to make any money themselves, and even if they wanted to check the quality of their forgeries, they couldn't because they wouldn't know if the cheques ever got presented or paid.
The catalogue company and the CC company had my address for delivery address.

This is why I am concerned that my mail is being intercepted. I just cant fathom how else they would hope to acheive anything if they had no access to my mail.
Where the companies supplied with an email address - to confirm when items had been shipped?

And are you both out during the day? (actually, don't answer that).

Check all of your finances for a transaction you don't recognise (eg 1p from your current account).

The catalogue company was provided with an email address and a mobile phone number but they say they cant provide me with that info due to the data protection act.... :rolleyes:

And yes, every house in my row is empty all day during the week.

I'll look through my statements for transactions but I suspect that nothing will show since everything started this last two weeks (not on statement).

In fact it has all started since the gas men have been digging a hole by my front door for two weeks. This may or may not be connected :crazy:
Maybe the gas man has had a peek in your bins once he sees you have gone out to work ...

Sets up account, when delivery van arrives , finds no one in , gas man says ' It's allright guv , he said he'd be out , asked me to sign for it, we're 'ere all day , i'll see he gets it when he gets in ....'

He knows your name , so he signs it ..... Delivery van has signature in your name, it'll take ages before they realise it's not actually your signature ..

'Just put the plasma in the back of the gas van , it'll be safe and dry in there ;) '

Cheers guv'nor ....

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