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My Wife

Just thinking about you and your family. Any update at all? 🙏🤞
Hi Ant

Managed a trip to the cinema on our 20th wedding anniversary which was nice.
Construction at home started on March 4th, and if the weather here would only play nicely we would be further on.
For example yesterday here in N.I the wind was howling, we had many large and sometimes persistent showers and even hail stones.
The builders can't work through that nonsense.
But having said all that, they are just getting on with it, because the weather was so bad in the week before Easter, the guys returned and worked over the Eater holidays (There are 3 here in N.I - Good Friday/Easter Monday & Tuesday).
They even worked on the Saturday in order to try to catch up.

Construction will be finished by the end of June, and the plan is to get Ann home for her birthday which is on July 20th.
The NHS have awarded the home care contract to a well known nursing agency here, they are confident they already have sufficiently trained staff, and just need to recruit to back fill annual leave etc

So good progress at least.

If as many people as possible would share the fundraising link, we would be very grateful indeed ❤️

Hi Ant

Managed a trip to the cinema on our 20th wedding anniversary which was nice.
Construction at home started on March 4th, and if the weather here would only play nicely we would be further on.
For example yesterday here in N.I the wind was howling, we had many large and sometimes persistent showers and even hail stones.
The builders can't work through that nonsense.
But having said all that, they are just getting on with it, because the weather was so bad in the week before Easter, the guys returned and worked over the Eater holidays (There are 3 here in N.I - Good Friday/Easter Monday & Tuesday).
They even worked on the Saturday in order to try to catch up.

Construction will be finished by the end of June, and the plan is to get Ann home for her birthday which is on July 20th.
The NHS have awarded the home care contract to a well known nursing agency here, they are confident they already have sufficiently trained staff, and just need to recruit to back fill annual leave etc

So good progress at least.

If as many people as possible would share the fundraising link, we would be very grateful indeed ❤️

Thanks for that Shaun. 👍

20th July seems like a wonderful target. 🥳👍🤞👏
714 days in ICU now for my wife.
As of June 3rd, she was moved to a different hospital which is in our home trust in preparation for discharge to home.
I've visited every single one of those days, including the very bad times when she was unconscious due to medical induced coma.
But we are so close now to leaving hospital, and I have confirmation of Ann being home before her birthday on July 20th as an agency has been awarded the nursing contract for home, as a big plus many of the nurses in the team who are being assigned to Ann are nurses who cared for her while in the first hospital.

I won't know what to do with myself when she gets home, no more trips to ICU and spending 5 or 6 hours in there each day.

Construction is 2 or 3 weeks away from completion.
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714 days in ICU now for my wife.
As of June 3rd, she was moved to a different hospital which is in our home trust in preparation for discharge to home.
I've visited every single one of those days, including the very bad times when she was unconscious due to medical induced coma.
Massive respect to you, I can’t imagine how hard the last couple of years have been for you. I sincerely hope things get easier once she is back home. 🙏
Evening everyone,
I am very pleased to say my wife got out of hospital and home on Tuesday after spending 795 days there.
Great news!

I sincerely hope things get better and easier to manage. Massive respect. 🙏
Respect to you Shaun for the caring you have and continue to give to your wife. I've had a much lesser version 3 times over the last 3 years for my wife - to do with a ridiculous failed repair to a ladies problem, the second fix that should have been done first and a suspected stroke while away 120 miles from home with family, and the stress from those was horrible - but absolutely nothing compared to the 2+ years you've gone through and the times to come. You deserve the biggest medal the country could award, I stand in awe of what you have done.
Respect to you Shaun for the caring you have and continue to give to your wife. I've had a much lesser version 3 times over the last 3 years for my wife - to do with a ridiculous failed repair to a ladies problem, the second fix that should have been done first and a suspected stroke while away 120 miles from home with family, and the stress from those was horrible - but absolutely nothing compared to the 2+ years you've gone through and the times to come. You deserve the biggest medal the country could award, I stand in awe of what you have done.
Thanks for such a lovely reply, I hope your poor wife is, or has recovered from everything you both have had to deal with
Thankyou Shaun, we went through hell after the first ludicrous gynae op my wife had, left the worst review I have ever left for the idiot consultant - who IMHO needs suspending from practise for what he recommended and did, and the aftercare his staff provided - under the NHS but from a private hospital. The bad one last year turned out to not be a stroke or TIA but instead RCVS, which gives stroke-like symptoms BUT the R is Reversible, and that has happened. I was just thankful that we were with family, as SIL took over when 999 said an ambulance could not get to us for at least 45 mins - we got Cora into his car and to the local A&E in under 15 mins, after which the NHS were excellent. She has totally recovered from all 3 I mentioned, and is now in recovery from an operation to sort a badly arthuritic top joint on her right thumb, which is thankfully going well after the initially painful first 10 days after the op.

Hope all goes well for you in the immediate and long term future, what you have already done and continue to do is immense, and I hope is recognised by your family and friends etc. and that you get massive support from the appropriate authorities.

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