My icarsoft CRmax is woeful for data logging and analysis. Their website doesn't suggest the MB3 is any better.
The sample rate is so slow, all the detail gets aliased.
Parameters are organised in predefined groups, so you can't look at say MAF and Rail Pressure at same time. (to me it looks like they tried to copy some of the layouts from the Xentry tests, but without any of the of the useful info).
If you graph the data, the X axis only shows a few seconds at time. You can't change the scale.
Multiple Y axes, good luck.
You want to export the data, no chance. You can print the data, in record form, so one table of data for each X sample point. So you get a pdf of hundreds of tables...
Have I put you off yet?
@W212Chris recently bought an Autel which looked a lot more promising. Any updates on how this is working out?