You really need to go to the dealer with your VIN number and find out what alarm system you have fitted…make/model…and try and source a user manual and the fitting instructions, this will give a full explanation of exactly how the alarm functions.
My own Scorpion alarm LED, similar to your own, will flash a certain number of times to inform me if my alarm was triggered in my absence, can’t remember if this happens when I unlock the car or if it happens when I turn on the ignition, in my case, this flashing sequence and explanation, is as follows;
7 Flashes =attempt to start the car
5 Flashes =door opened
4 Flashes = boot/bonnet opened
2 Flashes = alteration of vehicle reference angel…if an anti-jack sensor is fitted/activated
1 Flash = movement within passenger compartment via ultrasonic sensors.
NB the sequence of flashes will be repeated 3 times.
If your alarm hasn’t been triggered then there may be a fault somewhere causing this flashing LED, try turning the system off for a few hours, a “reboot” might solve the problem.