New Member
Hi, first, thank you for letting me join. I am a marine engineer so am aware of mech and elect problems. I recently perchased an SL 350 ( my 10th merc) and have a problem with the pse pump. Sponge rubber around pump was wet, obviously sucked in moisture via pump air filter, recent frost had frozen ceramic rotor and it's smashed. Stripped it to find this out. Long and short, can anyone tell me where I can buy a spare rotor? I was reading some past posts, by someone saying that he had some spare pumps that didn't work, not too sure who it was, but maybe you could advise me if you have a spare rotor, obviously I would pay for it. Car details:- 05 sl350 , 65000 miles . Fitted two new batteries, start and consumer. Shortly after no central locking, check fuse behind seat f71, blown, fitted new fuse view again. Checked pse pump, found sponge motor housing wet. Pulled out pump found broken rotor. Many thanks in advance, if someone can put me in the right direct to source rotor. Daveboat.