<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 2322" data-quote="jjrodger" data-source="post: 2922903"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2922903"
data-content-selector="#post-2922903">jjrodger said:</a>
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SmokeySilver, please could you provide some more information on your conversion. I am about to embark upon the same engine swap (my car is also smoke silver).<br />
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First, was it worth it? Is there a significant increase in performance?
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Because I owned an M113 engine, the power jump was significant for me because the M113 was rated at 302hp as opposed to the older M119 engine which was 322hp.<br />
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<blockquote data-attributes="member: 2322" data-quote="jjrodger" data-source="post: 2922903"
class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2922903"
data-content-selector="#post-2922903">jjrodger said:</a>
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Second, did you change the differential for a faster one?
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</blockquote><br />
No, I kept the standard SL500 differential<br />
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<blockquote data-attributes="member: 2322" data-quote="jjrodger" data-source="post: 2922903"
class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2922903"
data-content-selector="#post-2922903">jjrodger said:</a>
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Third, did you change the engine ECU or are you using the ECU from the 500 motor? In one of you YouTube videos you mention having the ECU programmed or tuned. How did you get on?
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I am using the ECU from the SL500 and it works fine and adapts to all the features of the existing VIN. However, in order to take full advantage of the new engine, injectors, etc, the ECU needs to be remapped. I still feel the increase in power because of the new engine, but it's not as much as it should be.<br />
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<blockquote data-attributes="member: 2322" data-quote="jjrodger" data-source="post: 2922903"
class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2922903"
data-content-selector="#post-2922903">jjrodger said:</a>
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Fourth, did you change/uprate the fuel pump?
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</blockquote><br />
No, the existing fuel pump works just fine. <br />
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<blockquote data-attributes="member: 2322" data-quote="jjrodger" data-source="post: 2922903"
class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
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<a href="/goto/post?id=2922903"
data-content-selector="#post-2922903">jjrodger said:</a>
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Thanks for your time. Jonathan
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</blockquote><br />
You are most welcome mate.</div>