I'm starting to tune my ear into my C43's 'character rattles and squeaks'.
The most recent has been a rattle on idle. It's not a tappety or cam related sound, it just seems like something needs a tighten. It's not present when the car is cold i.e when the idle is slighly higher, just when it's warm.
Saw a thread on the idle pully that looks like that may be the issue, but still not quite sure. Any thoughts before i get the old girl booked into my local indy.
The most recent has been a rattle on idle. It's not a tappety or cam related sound, it just seems like something needs a tighten. It's not present when the car is cold i.e when the idle is slighly higher, just when it's warm.
Saw a thread on the idle pully that looks like that may be the issue, but still not quite sure. Any thoughts before i get the old girl booked into my local indy.