<div class="bbWrapper">Looking for advice in re-chroming a 2013 CLS. <br />
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The previous owner turned everything black which included the boot CLS badge and trim, the side window surround trims and the grille badge. Not quite to my taste. <br />
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The only chrome left is the Panamericana Grille and the wheels. <br />
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I've replaced the black pointed star in the grille with a chrome one, and the boot CLS badge, but cant find a chrome trim for the boot. <br />
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Is it possible to replace the window surround trims. Doesn't look as if they are wrapped so a replacement probably needed. <br />
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<a href="https://forums.mbclub.co.uk/attachments/infinity-jpg.163279/"
target="_blank"><img src="https://forums.mbclub.co.uk/data/attachments/136/136886-9a8e2fe32e220ddc08caf63f662c9415.jpg?hash=Bo4UR_h2pq"
class="bbImage "
width="534" height="400" loading="lazy" /></a></div>