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Red Mist - when was your last time ?


Active Member
Sep 10, 2008
Mine was today.
Last one I can remember was when I drove a 5 series (typical BM attitude) at least 3 years ago. The MB, along with 6 points, has certainly slowed me down and be more relaxed. I think the auto box is also a big contributor.
I think the auto box is also a big contributor.

I agree. I normally drive the Merc fairly relaxed, but whenever I get into a manual car seem to drive much faster, even in my old sheds.
Some say that I drive as if I was constantly on the look for parking space... :o
On Monday.

As I was pulling up towards traffic lights there was a car wanting to pull out of a side street to my left, so I slowed down to let him out as the lights were on red.

This pr1ck in a Golf GTD behind me decides to swing round to jump in front of me and nearly crashes into the person I've let out in his haste.

I wasn't proud of my reaction to his idiocy.....
Sweetpea, unfortunately you see these things all the time. Once, as a passenger on a bus (upper deck), I saw the bus stop in order to let a motorbike out off a driveway - needless to say that an impatient motorist overtook the bus with some haste, causing a very very close shave.... it is amazing how many drivers see a car suddenly stop for no obvious reason, and do not ask themselves why.
Mine was today.
Last one I can remember was when I drove a 5 series (typical BM attitude) at least 3 years ago. The MB, along with 6 points, has certainly slowed me down and be more relaxed. I think the auto box is also a big contributor.

Mine was at a charity auction where I ended up paying too much for something just because I got carried away with the need to win:o
I thought it was an offence to stop on a major road to allow someone out of a minor road or driveway? Unless the vehicle on the main road was stopping for traffic lights or other legitimate reasons, slowing down to let someone out is fine but I thought stopping is a big no no :dk:
I drive a Volvo, you just can't fly off the handle driving a Volvo, I mean it would make people look at you and then someone might recognise me!
Just now when the missus burnt the pizza.
Sorry,didn't see it was in the driving incidents section. Doesn't excuse her though.
I rarely get angry when I drive, I enjoy it too much. The things that do set me off though are people dawdling along at 30mph on 60mph single lane roads, especially when the opposite side is busy so you can't pass them - just really irks me!
Mine was today.
Last one I can remember was when I drove a 5 series (typical BM attitude) at least 3 years ago. The MB, along with 6 points, has certainly slowed me down and be more relaxed. I think the auto box is also a big contributor.
I used to be a bit of a hot head when behind the wheel and seemed to live in "red mist", but now I drive 80,000 miles a year as a chauffer and I have learned that you dont get there much quicker driving like an idiot.Also my clients would not appreciate it either,although some are footballers and drive like that anyway !
Some say that I drive as if I was constantly on the look for parking space... :o

I know the feeling
About 20 years ago I picked up a friend to go to the gym or something. His words have stuck with me since. "Are we in some sort of race I don't know about".
My normal driving back then was brisk to say the least and I had a peculiar habit of turning in very sharply, possibly in my mind it meant I could see further round the corner so it was safe to go faster.
1985 when I was 9. A group older boys pushed me in my go kart for about 50 yards against my will, and my feet were wedged under the seat. Despite there being three 12 year olds, versus a single 9 year old, it's fair to say they regretted it.

Never been angry since.

I just wish I put a tenner into a national savings account on the same day.
Every time I open The Daily Mail

'When did Oscar go Wilde? When he didn't get his.... ' :p

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