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Red Mist - when was your last time ?

Not had a single red mist moment since I got the C220. It's driving to the economy gauge, looking ahead and trying to achieve good economy has changed the way I drive.

I'm now the guy in the inside lane running between 65mph and 70mph. It just doesn't seem to take any longer to get anywhere, I'm less stressed and I use less fuel.
I'm now the guy in the inside lane running between 65mph and 70mph. It just doesn't seem to take any longer to get anywhere, I'm less stressed and I use less fuel.
It's been years for me too, don't think I can remember the last time. These days I've usually got the cruise control on with my foot hovering over the brake pedal so I'm already anticipating the unexpected. Others making sudden lane changes and other movements used to anger me as it was generally to my detriment but now it just washes over me and it's forgotten in an instant. I love my drive to work and back even though the traffic makes it take twice as long - comfort control/heated seats, cruise, climate, bose and a big mug of freshly brewed coffee makes for a relaxing trip to work. I leave decent gaps, tootle along at 60-70mph, lift off to slow down rather than use brakes and enjoy up to 30mpg out of a 5.4 litre V8. There is no point in screaming it when there is another queue around the next corner...
Not had a single red mist moment since I got the C220. It's driving to the economy gauge, looking ahead and trying to achieve good economy has changed the way I drive.

I'm now the guy in the inside lane running between 65mph and 70mph. It just doesn't seem to take any longer to get anywhere, I'm less stressed and I use less fuel.

I was the guy on the inside gently braking up to a roundabout when the numpty on my right me decided they wanted to go left and it didn't matter a jot that I was there. Swerve to the left, antilock brakes kick in and only just missed the back of their car.
Horn, lights, red mist and even started to follow them - then I calmed down, went on to work and swear that if I ever see that car parked (I have the reg number) it will have the 4 valves cut off. Not bitter much.

In a way I regret not letting them hit me as I would have had the small dent in my wing repaired and the bonnet resprayed - but unfortunately I didn't think that quickly.
1 hour ago when a biker thought it would be clever to take up a whole parent and child bay space in the local supermarket leaving me no choice but to park in a normal bay leaving it a tight squeeze to get the midget in the back out...
I dont really react to peoples bad driving gestures or aggressive attitudes, I just smile and carry on. Its knowing they are all wound up and im nice and relaxed :)
I dont really react to peoples bad driving gestures or aggressive attitudes, I just smile and carry on. Its knowing they are all wound up and im nice and relaxed :)

over three years ago. Some fat **** in a van decided to straddle two lanes so that I could not pass him and zip merge in a little closer than half a mile to a lane closure on a DCW. A flash of the lights did nothing, a polite beep of the horn did nothing, he just wanted to block another road users progress as he was too thick to know how to drive properly and make good progress. The high way code does promote zip merging near the point of a closure and effective use of tarmac.

Unfortunately thats where my good driving ended and red mist happened. I decided to follow him through the road works and a few miles with my hand consistantly on the horn and flashing my lights. When we stopped at the lights, I hung back. Fat git gets out of van screaming, I thought christ, if he gets his hands on me I'm toast, but was ready to drive at him or get away swiftly.

I'm glad I ****** him off, he should think twice about obstructing someone else.
Earlier tonight on a ride to the gym... some total c-unit in a lexus gs 430 decided he wanted to annoy me by backing off then riding on my bumper (..and repeat for about 2 miles) eventually got to a set of lights and left him standing (up to and around the speed limit on that stretch of road before backing off due to traffic in front) don't think he liked that as he made a death defying move onto the other side of the road around an island, me and the 3 or 4 other cars that were in front of me.. served for pretty good motivation for my work out to be fair!

No point in really saying or doing anything about it because morons like that will eventually cause an accident or get caught by the police.
When being tailgated on the Motorway when you are in a line of traffic moving at the same speed. I still don't get it why the tailgater cant see the car in front of mine the one in front of that etc.
Mine was on Saturday. Driving through south Bristol, traffic completely jammed because of an accident. Police diverting people down a side road, which caused a slow-moving queue whilst waiting to pull out of the junction at the end onto a main road. When I reached the junction, I was waiting for a break in the traffic so that I could pull out safely, and the bloke in the car behind starts tooting me. I looked round and he is pointing at me and waving his hand to tell me to pull out. He could not see what was coming in either direction, and clearly did not care about safety: the kind of pratt that probably caused the accident in the first place:mad:.

I would have got out and given him a piece of my mind, were it not for the fact that he looked like he would eaten me for breakfast:(. It put me in a foul mood for the rest of the day.
I would have got out and given him a piece of my mind, were it not for the fact that he looked like he would eaten me for breakfast:(. It put me in a foul mood for the rest of the day.

Always pick your battles wisely. I only remonstrate with little blokes. :D
Mine was just over 2 years ago; riding a BMW R1100s I'd just overtaken some little nondescript hatchback, indicated, then pulled in front of him with plenty of space to spare. The guy decides to hoot, not just a little warning, but a continuous blast. I ignore him, we start to slow for upcoming traffic lights, he's now right on my tail and still hooting. I give him a very quick over the shoulder glance, then back to the slowing traffic that's now stopping. As I come to a stop, the guy is still hooting. Now at this point I should have simply ignored him and disappeared when the lights turned green. I didn't, instead I calmly got off the bike and started walking back to towards him. My intention was to have a quiet word about his behaviour, he, on the other hand had other ideas. As I walked towards him, he started reversing back, I'm thinking, WTF?! He then puts the car in forward gear and clearly aims his car at me.

Three weeks later and in a **** load of pain I finally got out of hospital. If I'd been stood just 6" further to the right I most probably wouldn't be here now.

A word from the wise; live and let live, they'll always be some tosser on the road that really has no idea on how to drive.
Always pick your battles wisely. I only remonstrate with little blokes. :D

Reminds me of an incident I saw a couple of years ago. I don't know what had happened up to the point I saw it, but I was at a set of traffic lights with 3 lanes. The lights are on red and I am awaiting to drive off....in the lane to my left pulls up a Vauxhall Astra driven by a bloke that didn't look like he weighed 8st wet through. Next thing a car pulls up behind him and a big beefy bloke gets out......skin head, vest, prison tatoos, looked like he weighed about 20 odd stone and was a good 6'4" and started banging on his window trying to usher the little bloke out of the car. He had obviously p1$$ed him off prior to pulling up at the lights. Luckily for him the lights turned to green and he shot off.....both me and the Mrs couldn't stop laughing. The look on the little blokes face when the "big man" was tapping on the window was priceless.
I just remembered why I drive the KA to work (most of the time).

About an hour ago, someone changed lanes INTO ME and then continued to drive off !

Red mist time.

When he finally pulled over, I had time to think about the situation and had calmed down a bit - somehow, all the damage was on his car and none on the KA (other than existing battle damage).

So I let it go and even gave him directions !

It would have been more of a nightmare trying to get details, but I told him where he had gone wrong nicely and he apologised.

Ho hum.
I don't suffer red mist, but people that put the brakes on when you have caught them up on a dual carriageway and are still slowing down behind them get me.

If they think you are getting too close why brake, surely they should speed up a bit.

I normally just cover the brake but ignore their brake lights, so end up even closer.

They get the message.
I, this evening had what I would consider red mist.

Since I have bought my new car I have noticed all manner of cars getting up my ****. This hardly ever happened in the BMW (being a BMW driver I was probably up other people's **** eh?). Today after I finished at the gym, I drove the 4 minute drive through town, all 30 mile an hour speed limit, to Tesco. About 30 seconds into the journey a W211 e class is driving in my estimation about half a foot from my rear bumper. I stop first at the traffic lights and go, get up to the 30 speed limit pretty swiftly. Suddenly he roars up behind me and I'm sure he may have even been close to hitting me, then he does exactly the same thing again. Then, with him driving within inches of my rear bumper again we both turn into Tesco, he turns off before me and parks in a different isle. I was actually, absolutely fuming at this point. So I kept my eye on him and went into Tesco.

I then said to him,'Excuse me...'

He turned around.

I said, 'Could you please not be so far up my **** when you are driving please!' I was quite annoyed when I said this, but these were my exact words.

He then just flippantly made a 'pfffft' noise and turned around. I assume he just wanted to avoid an altercation! He did not look like the typical bottom-feeder you expect to drive in this manner, he actually looked like he worked in an office. Why drive like an absolute **** then! I would never do any type of harm to someone in that type of exchange, but if he keeps driving like that then one day someone if going to give him a smack in the chops!

Well I've just re-read that and it's a pretty **** story, but I am going to post it anyway!
over three years ago. Some fat **** in a van decided to straddle two lanes so that I could not pass him and zip merge in a little closer than half a mile to a lane closure on a DCW. A flash of the lights did nothing, a polite beep of the horn did nothing, he just wanted to block another road users progress as he was too thick to know how to drive properly and make good progress. The high way code does promote zip merging near the point of a closure and effective use of tarmac.

Unfortunately thats where my good driving ended and red mist happened. I decided to follow him through the road works and a few miles with my hand consistantly on the horn and flashing my lights. When we stopped at the lights, I hung back. Fat git gets out of van screaming, I thought christ, if he gets his hands on me I'm toast, but was ready to drive at him or get away swiftly.

I'm glad I ****** him off, he should think twice about obstructing someone else.

At that point id just gone "feck him" and hung back. If you dont bite yourself you wont get bitten in return :)

Although i know sometimes i can get wound up easily but as is life :)
I have to drive carefully in my car as it looks aggressive, so I'm overtly courteous and ever mindful of what other cars are doing around me, I enjoy the salvage performance when the road is clear tho on occasion, this morning I gave it some beans a couple of times out of a roundabout on to a dual carriageway, slow lane had cars but fast lane was empty, a couple of seconds on the loud pedal and your entering the national speed limit then foot off and cruise all the way up the the next roundabout slowing all the time to a point where I enter the roundabout at a very respectable slow speed, no harm done!
No sense in crying over spilt milk

While waiting in the carpark of the local Sainsburys a 4x4 reversed into the space next to me straight over a carton of milk that had been dropped from another vehicle.

The spray of milk had showered the car front to back. Bonet, boot roof, windscreen and both doors.:eek:

I got out to have a better look, the driver of the other car just scoffed. He didn't even offer to help clean the mess up.

I had to dart home and quickly wash the milk off as it was starting to dry.
Still go back before I was missed by SWMBO & MIL.

They love shopping:doh:

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