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S210 spheres?

Don't bother using the inaccessible bleed valve.

When the first 11 mm sphere union eventually comes off, just use that to modulate the release of fluid until the 'foaming Guinness' subsides.
OK, but does each side need to be depressurised separately, or will both sides depressurise together when the first nut is loosened? If my unions are a bit seized, I would have thought that depressurising with the nipple first would help with loosening the nuts - what do you think?

After reassembly, would I need to loosen the bleed nipple to do some er... Bleeding?

I plan to syphon all the fluid from the bottle before starting, then refill with new fluid at the end.
OK, but does each side need to be depressurised separately, or will both sides depressurise together when the first nut is loosened? If my unions are a bit seized, I would have thought that depressurising with the nipple first would help with loosening the nuts - what do you think?

After reassembly, would I need to loosen the bleed nipple to do some er... Bleeding?

I plan to syphon all the fluid from the bottle before starting, then refill with new fluid at the end.

No, releasing any SLS union will de-pressurise the system.

That won't help at all. Mine needed propane heat and penetrant to overcome the rust without breaking the pipe.

No need IMO. The SLS self bleeds when run for a few miles.
Anybody else got any useable spheres to sell?
210: which fluid for power steering and SLS?

I now have spheres on order, so should have them for the weekend. Now the fluid.

I plan to extract what I can from the bottle before removing the old spheres. Then top up the bottle afterwards with new fluid.

Can anybody please tell me what spec fluid I need to buy? The handbook does not give the spec, and I'm not keen on paying main dealer prices. I imagine there must be a suitable fluid I can get from an independent parts supplier. I have some Comma "PSF1" that I bought for another car - will this be OK?

And how much fluid am I likely to need? I realise that my strategy Is not a proper flush, but I imagine that the resulting fluid mixture will be mostly new fluid.
About 3.5 litres.
My W123 runs on Comma LHM.

Wow, that's a lot! There is nowhere near that much in the bottle - about a litre and a half I guess.

Will it really take that much?
Actually, the lid gives the MB part number (210 327 00 72) but not the spec.

Off to Google........
Looks like that part number relates to the lock ring of the lid of the bottle. The lid itself has a sticker with another part code which I assumed to relate to the filter that fits inside the cap
Just had a brain wave to check the service book. It's not in there either, and what's more, it doesn't say when the fluid should be changed
The usual suspect for SLS fluid is MB343.0 which was the spec used in 123s and 124s. It's ZHM which is similar to but not the same as LHM used in Citroens. Total capacity is stated as 2 litres for my s124 in the back of the owners handbook. When i changed the spheres and all the pipework a few years back i used ~1.5 litres IIRC, i bought 2 litres and had some left over anyway

The sticker on the cap should be the part # for the fluid, it's not much more from MB than it is from aftermarket sources... A000989910310 is around a tenner/litre from MB, sometimes a £ or two less as Febi 2615 from one of the usual suspects and sometimes more spendy
I rang my nearest MB dealer today about the hydraulic oil. I was really surprised when the Parts guy had no idea which oil I needed and he sought advice from someone in Service.

After a long wait, they concluded that I should get 001989240310: 001989 240310,MERCEDES-BENZ 001989 240310; Oil for the princely sum of £20 per litre.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, they didn't have enough and wouldn't be getiing any more for over a week, so I asked for the spec so I could go elsewhere. They could not tell me the MB spec code either!

I rang Eurocarparts and discovered that they don't sell this kind of oil. I'll try some more factors tomorrow.

Apparently, the one I need is green. The old oil in the car is black. The oil I have in stock from Comma is red. :confused:
Looking on the bright side, the spheres have arrived, so weather permitting I'll be having a go on Saturday. If I don't get some suitable oil, I'll end up putting the old oil back in!
No issue with finding ZHM fluid on ebay or elsewhere. Personally I'd pop into my local Citroen dealer and buy a large bottle of LHM+ (essentially the same) for a lot less than any online supplier.
While LHM is very similar to ZHM they have a VERY different viscosity index and IIRC ZHM is generally 'thinner' / less viscous across the likely service temps which may or may not subtly affect things like damping; i've never used LHM in MBs as it's not like ZHM is hard to find or crazy expensive, a litre of LHM from hellfrauds is more than zhm from MB and the old stock Febi 02615 (that bottle shape hasn't been used for eons?) from eurocrap is cheaper than a litre of LHM from them or GSF etc

Welland, the part number they gave you is covered by mb345.0 https://bevo.mercedes-benz.com/bevolisten/345.0_en.html I dunno whether the parts guy is a muppet (the one at my local dealer could be outwitted by a corpse) and tried to sell you power steering fluid or if your 210 uses 'central hydraulic fluid' (usually mb344.0?) for the SLS and steering instead of the older tandem (2 seperate pumps in one body) set up with seperate resevoirs for power steering and SLS. What is the part number on the yellow(?) sticker on the top of the SLS resevoir, 001 989 20 03 by any chance? If so Fuchs TITAN-ZH-5364_B_e.pdf is available from Fuchs dealers like Opie Oils etc

The colour of new fluid is pretty meaningless whether it's hydraulic oil, ATF or coolant etc. It's just a dye and there are no standards about what spec should be what colour. The old stuff in the car is black because it's old/contaminated, probably with tiny particles of what used to be the membrane that's in the spheres to seperate the pressurised nitrogen from the oil
Mine says 001989 2003.

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