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Seagull picks a fight with a Porsche


Active Member
Sep 6, 2004
OMG :eek: :eek: :eek:,

I have just been into bath. On the way out I passed a small carpark with a brand spanking new jet black boxter in it. There was a seagull standing looking at itself in the reflection of the car door. All of a sudden the stupid animal started laying into its own reflection on the car door :( It was pecking and stabbing at the poor car like mad :( god knows what damage its done but this has to be the daftest carpark damage I have ever seen :mad:

Its high time that the council started culling the buggers ! :devil:
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peterchurch said:
Why Bicarb?

You obviously wern't a spiteful child!

Birds tend to explode when they eat Bicarb :eek:
GrahamC230K said:
You obviously wern't a spiteful child!

Birds tend to explode when they eat Bicarb :eek:

:cool: That was one hell of a piece of information that I missed :devil:
GrahamC230K said:
You obviously wern't a spiteful child!

Birds tend to explode when they eat Bicarb :eek:
Sounds like you were spiteful Graham, or perhaps if was just Fuzzer.
Cordite tends to have a more dramatic effect, or so I am told.
anarchy-inc said:
What is Cordite?

Smokeless propellant made of guncotton, nitro-glycerine and vaseline.
I was always told that Calcium Carbide was also good for a laugh with seagulls as it gives off pure acetylene gas when in contact with water/moisture. In fact this system was used for the very first car headlights.

Anyways back to the gull pecked Porsche, it could have been worse... the gull could have crapped on his bonnet too thus ruining the mirror like paint finish. :devil:

PJH said:
Sounds like you were spiteful Graham, or perhaps if was just Fuzzer.

No, I am better in that area as an adult. As a child I was fairly harmless.

Although most will have taken this thread in th e light it was meant - ie humorous story of dmage to car, I must remind you that of course we do not condone any harm to animals whatsoever.

On that topic, I did an excellent emergency stop/ABS swerve around a pheasant the other day :D
I met a real hard nut pheasent the other week ............ he insisted on headbutting my number plate ....... bloody roadrunners!
On a family trip to southern africa a few years back we were staying in a lodge near Victoria Falls. Getting an early start for a long journey south we left at 4am. The roads were narrow and edged with trees and bush. On cautiously turning a tight corner we narrowly missed a lion by about a foot! It scarpered, but I think we were more shocked (to say the least), definitely woke us up, talk about cats eyes!

Im sure if the lion was more awake he would have made a fair impression on the bodywork for the rude interruption to his stroll.
GrahamC230K said:
On that topic, I did an excellent emergency stop/ABS swerve around a pheasant the other day :D

You sure it wasn't a seagull in disguise checking up on you? :D :D

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