I travel to Cambridge most working days and have the A14 Roadworks to contend with only TWO Years left until they are finished (Allegedly)
There are long stretches of roadworks with 40 MPH Signs and Average Speed Cameras, rightly or wrongly, I set my Cruise Control to 42 MPH!And pass most traffic in lane 2, some want to pass me so I pull into lane 1, no problems with that!
Nearly every morning, as I am about to pass certain cars the driver suddenly decides that he is the Self Appointed Speed Monitor!
Get level with the back-end of their car/vehicle and they pull into the 2nd lane, (Indicators? must have a permanent exemption Certificate!)
Then they speed up until they are parallel with a truck and slow down to exactly 40 MPH!
When the A14 eventually opens up into 3 lanes, the Self Appointed moves into lane 2, or if you move to lane 1, they do their best to ensure that in no way are you going to pass them in ANY LANE
I have even had someone leave the A14 on a slip road by mistake while keeping me in my place, and having to use the Diagonal White Lines and somewhat dangerous driving to get back on to the road they were travelling
Is it just me?Or are others experiencing similar situations?
All I want to do is get to Work in the morning, ffs!
I use this stretch of the A14 pretty much daily and the driving i see is mental, the other week I saw an HGV in the narrow lane overtaking another HGV, one strong gust of wind and there would have been carnage.