morning learned friends, I’ve got a 2010 c250 cdi with the 7g Tronic. box. most of the time the box works fine, but recently it’s taken misbehaving. From cold, and as long as you keep driving, it’s performs faultlessly, but if you interrupt the journey by stopping the engine, on restart it goes into a mode best described as somewhere between “E” and “S” modes. Gear changes are delayed Even though it’s in “E” and the engine note is loud and rough sounding, also, worryingly it will not change up into 7th. nothing I do will make it go into seventh. turn it off and on again all returns to normal.
Its done 91,500, had a gearbox service in 2016, and booked for another .in two weeks. fuel consumption is approaching 60 mpg on a run. anyone got any ideas?? !
Its done 91,500, had a gearbox service in 2016, and booked for another .in two weeks. fuel consumption is approaching 60 mpg on a run. anyone got any ideas?? !