discovered a weird noise this morning coming from under the car, sounded like a big bit of metal dragging under the car at low speeds near 5mph! but the faster you go the least it will make noise.
Couldnt find anything under the car that looked loose but thought at start it sounded like brake pads in the hub, but forgot the cars on 4 discs. (doh)
Now i have NO idea whatsoever where and what that noise is, worst of all, i cannot afford it right now!
Would anyone, or can anyone identify this noise?
Couldnt find anything under the car that looked loose but thought at start it sounded like brake pads in the hub, but forgot the cars on 4 discs. (doh)
Now i have NO idea whatsoever where and what that noise is, worst of all, i cannot afford it right now!
Would anyone, or can anyone identify this noise?