Issue , I have had to acquire another car since my Mercedes was written off.I have found a nice car but it has one major issue : the tyres are perfect and have 6 mm of tread all round but are of different types.
On the near side both tyres are Michelin Primacy 4
On the off side front the tyre is a Michelin Pilot 4 and the rear side is a Perilli.
I believe this arrangement is illegal by cause on the front axle Primacy 4 is a touring tyre and the Pilot 4 is a high performance tyre.
My insurance company information is not really clear but say the tyre size on both axle must be the same but the type of tyre needs to be the same type.
If I use the Michelin name they are not the same type of tyre do could be illegal thus not insuranced.
Easy solution but the new after after sales manager won't entertain my solution which is put the Primacy 4 on the front and I buy two new tyres for the rear.
Any thoughts please