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Turbo Technics

mark300sl need sum advice??
can i get a e55 engine gearbox and a sl 600 diff to fit in to a c180 w202 chasis
spoke to merc cambs today and got a price of £120 + vat for the knock sensor

thats quiet a large chunk to spend on a part if my car dont need it

ive got the number of an ex merc mechanic in cambridge who was recomended to me who would be very interested to work on my car so ill be ringing him monday and get it in as its a 15 min drive away and the other places you lot have mentioned are a bit to far to limp a car too

so ill drive it there in the dark when there is not traffic and leave it there over night and hopefully he will get it running as i found vlad's topic about his 3.0 12v (might have been 24v) and he said it kicked the butt of his 500E w124 coupe

anyway thats the latest on the car (incase anyone wonderd)
I would have thought the knock sensor could be disconected either electrically or unbolted fromthe head.
It won't detect knock then so be careful how you drive, but as a test it should be safe enough.
Slight correction...it was a 500E Saloon, not a Coupe
today ive taken a big step and have booked the car in at a local merc specalist (he had 23 years with mercedes), he seemed quiet enthusiactic (sp) when i told him it was a late 94 turbo technics (then again he wants my money so is bound to seem up for it as the more that is fooked the more he makes)

its off there on monday and he said he will diagnose the problem and let me know

today i hade both cars veleted and here is the link for the pics (not top post 2nd & 3rd sets of pics)

some good news at last

my mate disconected the thing that gives the car more fuel like a choke

then took it for a spin and he said it ran better than it ever has done before and that as the thing was unplugged and needed a working one plugged in that the car would still run lumpy

the car started in the first place then we left it for a few mins and then disconected the thing and the revs dropped a bit and a thing like a fuel pump noise stopped

as its 40 degrees outside he said that the thing should not be running that long after starting the car up
With all the over fuelling you have been getting I would suggest you get the oil changed as a large amount of the fuel is likely to have ended up in the sump.
The excess fuel passes the piston rings and drops into the sump.
seems the best is suffering from low pressure

its at 80psi not 150psi

not sure why yet

everything else seems fine

a pipe was missing and another had a hole
Do you mean the cylinder compressions, if so you are lucky it actually starts.

If so you need an engine rebuild probably.
Do you mean the cylinder compressions, if so you are lucky it actually starts.

It happens a lot on aftermarket turbos unless you have good spark management. Everyone concentrates on getting fuelling AFRs right and dont consider spark timing. Inaudible detonation will eventually crack ring lands dropping compression

However I would be very surprised if Turbo Technics hadnt found low compression when they had it............
seems he has sorted the problem as there were holes and a part was missing/broken

aparantly it runs alot better

he has 1 more thing to change then he says it might work like it should but that its going to cost more than ive said i was willing to spend so im probably going to ebay it as ive had enough and want a convertible

meanwhile GFP2 is still running like a dream

whos stupid idea was it to turbo charge the vars in the first place !
So what happened to the low compressions.? They didn't self heal, I guess.

Alternatively is the low pressure fuel pressure.?
he has 1 more thing to change then he says it might work like it should but that its going to cost more than ive said i was willing to spend so im probably going to ebay it as ive had enough and want a convertible

The last one to go on ebay that wasnt running properly didnt make a lot at all! - IIRC it made less than a stock car. You may actually be better off removing the kit and selling it stock.

Aftermarket turbo conversions are a complete nightmare unless you have experience and are capable of doing it all yourself.
If I didnt have the Honda experience I have there is no way I would have taken on the 3.2 TT swap.

I already know that even with my aftermarket expertise I still have a lot to learn about M104 engines - but for that I will rely upon certain people here :)
ive been offerd £3,000 for it but i paid more than that for it when it was very knackerd

ill get him to email me what hes done and post that as i never remember what he says

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