OK, I know we're a couple of weeks on but I had a loan W205 C220d Premium this week and £8 burning a hole in my pocket so I installed SpectrumViewPlus on my iPhone 8 Plus and recorded a run along a bit of road at a constant 55mph. This was different to the OP's scenario in which he coasted down from 50mph (presumably in neutral?) and I was using a different recording device too, so the results aren't directly comparable. For good measure, I repeated the same test in my W212 E63. Same road, same constant 55mph. My capture device mounting was not as sophisticated as the OP's: I just laid the iPhone on a rolled up coat on the passenger seat, with the mic pointing forwards.
This is a shot of the resulting Spectrum Analysis:
The yellow trace is the C220d, while the solid blue trace is my E63 Biturbo. Several things stand out:
- The 220Hz peak in the C220d's plot matches that identified by the OP. I said in earlier posts that it was not something I'd noticed in all the W205's I've driven, and this car was no exception, so maybe I'm just not sensitive to it in the same way as the OP, or...
- Maybe I don't notice the TCN noise because it's dwarfed by the much louder low-frequency components when driving (rather than coasting)?
- There is massively less low-frequency noise in the E63 Biturbo's cabin. In fact, although in measurement terms it's quieter over much of the frequency band displayed, the perception when driving is that it's not that much quieter in cruise - perhaps because the noise levels between the two cars are similar at around 3kHz where the human ear is most sensitive?
- If you look carefully, there is a modest peak in the E63's plot at around 220Hz, but I don't hear that either

Not sure how much light this has shed on anything, but it was a fun way to idle away a few minutes.