Not long had a W140, what a lovely car they are. heavy on the juice but had expected that. Thinking of a LPG conversion - any thoughts by anyone who may have done it, with the increase in my fuel costs would only take 12 months to break even. Trouble is I don't want to spoil anything !!!!
There have been some very encouraging posts over the years, regarding Mercs with LPG.
For me this has come to the fore with my own Mercedes 124; because of
the biofuel issue.
It is a known fact that biofuels cause corrosion of the components in the fuel system/circuits of older vehicles, and those which were not designed for such additives eg. my 1995 124 car.
In response to lobbying by motoring organisations and car clubs etc, the introduction of the 10% level of biofuel has been delayed (postponed?).
Nevertheless, the current 5% biofuel is still causing damage, and will result in likely need for expensive parts replacements in future.
That's if the parts are still available then.
Now, if I were to run the car on LPG it would provide a solution to the problem.
It is a know fact that LPG is a cleaner fuel than both petrol and diesel, so you would also be doing your bit for the environment as a bonus.
Other countries have made greater use of LPG with much success.