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W208 new owner - need help with fault code


New Member
Apr 23, 2011
R129 SL500
HI all

Just picked up a W208 convertible - 2001.

I had a BAS and ABS light fault when I bought the car and the vendor told me that he believed it was a faulty Yaw sensor

I bought an Icarsoft reader with the 38 pin adaptor and did indeed get a fault code relating to the Yaw sensor

Ive changed the yaw sensor (what a mission!) and cleared the codes. Pleased to say that he BAS light has not gone out but the ABS remains.

I rescanned the car but the only code I get in the brake menu is:
C1210-064 "State: Current and Historic Road Test : active"

Anyone know what this means?

i havent driven the car on the road as it's not currently MOTd. Is this something that might clear with a road test? Is that what it means?

I was expecting to see some codes relating to ABS wheel speed sensors, or ABS module, but there is nothing....

Any help would be greatly appreciated - repeat, the BAS light is now out - just the ABS light illuminated


I would think that the yaw sensor and steering angle sensors need re-calibrating. icarsoft may do it for you ? The sensors new to talk to each other, I did this on one our Ducato's a while back. Unless everything is calibrated you will get all manner of ABS ESP errors.

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