So Lambda sensor swapped today, I've since covered around 30 miles and its not missed a beat, I was getting EGR issues before after just a couple of miles and the car dropping into limp mode but no faults showing at all yet via ODBII. So fingers crossed it was just bad data from the Lambda causing the EGR issue.
I will be taking the car on a longer run tomorrow anyway so time will tell i guess.
In the meantime I found a cheap EGR on Autodoc for £150 that I've ordered just in case, can always return if I don't need it or quality is dubious.
Thanks to all for the advice, should have joined here years ago but never got around to it, threads on here have helped me countless times.
Couple of Gratuitous shots of my two MB's...the CLK220 Sport is a 2008, the E280 CDI Sport is a 2009 (One of the very last W211's I'm told)
CLK is totally stock (Other than a nice factory looking Chinese Android headunit to add Android Auto)
E280 has been remapped but other than that it's stock save for a Pioneer headunit
C-Class and E-Class styling went downhill for me after these models, planning to hold on to them for some time
(Paint correction done by myself, many many hours mopping the paint) and yes the Alloys need a tidy up on both cars, that's happening soon