2013 W246 B180 CDI
Couple of weeks ago the old battery died, jump started by RAC and driven to garage to get battery replaced. Noticed afterwards that the hazard light switch panel (hazard light, ECO and ESM gearbox buttons) all stopped working.
Since then, I've tried the following to get this working again but still unsuccessful:
- Disconnected battery for a couple of hours then reconnected.
- Replaced the hazard switch panel with the exact same part, A2469052001.
- Checked fuse box in passenger footwell which said 5A fuse #84 controls the hazard lights and ECO. Fuse seemed to be ok but changed anyway.
- Scanned all modules using iCarsoft MB II. The only error that came back was U100900 "LIN bus 2 has a malfunction" current and stored.
Has anyone come across this issue before? Is there a SAM that controls this switch panel? I would appreciate any pointers on where to look next.
Couple of weeks ago the old battery died, jump started by RAC and driven to garage to get battery replaced. Noticed afterwards that the hazard light switch panel (hazard light, ECO and ESM gearbox buttons) all stopped working.
Since then, I've tried the following to get this working again but still unsuccessful:
- Disconnected battery for a couple of hours then reconnected.
- Replaced the hazard switch panel with the exact same part, A2469052001.
- Checked fuse box in passenger footwell which said 5A fuse #84 controls the hazard lights and ECO. Fuse seemed to be ok but changed anyway.
- Scanned all modules using iCarsoft MB II. The only error that came back was U100900 "LIN bus 2 has a malfunction" current and stored.
Has anyone come across this issue before? Is there a SAM that controls this switch panel? I would appreciate any pointers on where to look next.