As weell as above.
There are 2 bolts up into the plastic supports that are seen from below the bumper.
Thes suports break easily if the van is bumped, I've lost a couple by catching raised kerbs while parking forwards in.
If memory serves about £16 a pair, they are handed, one takes your temp sensor.
I'm pretty sure you will find a torx screw on each side in the wheel arch.
At the rear of the bumper, at the top of the bumper itself and hidden behind the wheel arch liner. The liner needs to be forced 'open' and then better seen with a torch.
These often break the bumper if the bumper if abused, or bumped.
The whole bumper slides forward on sliders. As said easier with help so it doesn't fall as it passes the sliders.
I've a rubber mat I place below and ease one side off while the other side is still supported a little.