It's extraordinary how people misunderstand these proposals.
The average vehicle age in the UK is ten years old.
The proposed, but not legislated, ban is on pure ICE from 2030, and on hybrids from 2035. So ICE and hybrids will still be in use in 2040 / 2050 / 2060
As Douglas Adams said "I love deadlines. I love that "whoosh" sound they make as they go by." You can be sure the deadlines will slide: in the UK, EU, USA and Rest of the World.
We are but 1% of the world, regardless of what "we" do, the world, and especially Asia, will determine what really happens. Even the Yanks, with 5% of the population, and a chunk of purchasing power, will have limited influence.
I've deliberately halved by CO2/km output by using a smaller car, but that's partly because of being an empty nester. I have taken on board the need to reduce CO2, but I know full well that my flights and food create more CO2 than my car.
Do I feel a need to send 10-20 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere by buying a new car? (Call it ten years of CO2 from actual driving) Obviously not. Leave that to the Teslerati.
Can we jump to the conclusion that ICE will be taxed out of existence? Only if we "think" Ecos will either be in power, or hold a balance of power. More likely the Government will start to tax EV's properly, to stop everyone switching.
Charging your cars on your driveway is cheap, but not so much if you don't own a garage or driveway. And lots of people don't. So the incentive for "poor people" to switch to EV isn't as obvious as the Evangelists would have you believe.
EV's are exciting, interesting and probably the future. But it'll take some proven tech and the right price to get me to convert. As for Generation 1 and 2 Hybrids: they're rubbish and a waste of time. Wait for Generation 3 or 4.