Active Member
60 mph National speed limit. (You are in a car.)
Two cars ahead which have been doing 40 mph for the last mile and a half in the 60 mph limit and are not about to go any quicker. Due to the lack of oncoming traffic (see below) you can get past both in one go.
Guaranteed nothing coming the other way because from the top of the hill you have seen there is nothing on the road for miles ahead and the 60 mph limit is unchanged for the duration of the overtake with plenty of road ahead to spare.
Nothing is coming the other way or is parked around the bend and that tree on the right is not concealing anything. You and the other two cars are the only ones on the road and there is nothing else, pedestrians/tractors/horses etc. that will interfere with the manoeuvre.
Two cars ahead which have been doing 40 mph for the last mile and a half in the 60 mph limit and are not about to go any quicker. Due to the lack of oncoming traffic (see below) you can get past both in one go.
Guaranteed nothing coming the other way because from the top of the hill you have seen there is nothing on the road for miles ahead and the 60 mph limit is unchanged for the duration of the overtake with plenty of road ahead to spare.
Nothing is coming the other way or is parked around the bend and that tree on the right is not concealing anything. You and the other two cars are the only ones on the road and there is nothing else, pedestrians/tractors/horses etc. that will interfere with the manoeuvre.