Thanks for that link Neil but I've tried them. They dont have any services to collect from me and deliver to Malaysia.
And hi Ultimate.
Like I put in my message buddy, I've looked and looked but cannot find a delivery service that can deliver to you for a sensible cost.
Hi Ultimate. I must be doing something wrong because I can't seem to get sensible quotes for sending you parts. I need a parcel approx 120cm x 100cm x 15cm at around 10kg and getting really expensive quotes. Parcel hero is £270, FedEx is £470!
Can you get any better?
Ultimate hi. Still looking. To he honest I've been preoccupied so very sorry. Next post shows what I've been upto.
Sorry again. I have this entire weekend to look everywhere
Hi ultimate. I have rear pillar covers, rear door cards, rear armrests but I can find the damn switches. I also have passenger seat belt presenter, drivers side sold ages ago.
Don't have rear speaker board sorry.
Do you need front door cards also? I have those if so
Hi there. This is probably best done with a PM but I still don't seem able to message you privately :(
Am I right in thinking the important items are the rear pillar interior panels and the door cards? Just clarify for me though please, when you say door cards, do you mean the rear passenger...
Hi Paul, hope you're well. I'm putting mine away for winter too. She will be sitting atop the lift I've just bought. Steel prices seemed to have settled (at a high price :() and supply chain is working again to some extent so I have managed to find an affordable car lift in stock!
Hi Ultimate. I've not forgotten! Just been very busy of late, sorry. I have now collected together all the parts I have.
Every box in this picture is full of them, and then there's all four side windows (Front and rear screens have sold) and door panels which are not in the pic below.
I will...
Hi bud. Sorry for poor response, had a wee break away with the family before schools back here started up again and it's been manic at work!
I will get round to pulling all the parts together and taking some pictures over the next few days.
Not enough time in the day at the moment!
Thought I would PM you but I can't - perhaps you haven't made enough posts of something....
Perhaps instead of me sending you just the bits you have asked for, which due to size and weight are probably going to have to go on a pallet, why don't we fill up that pallet and you just take...
There seem to be a few companies who claim to take care of everything including customs but I'm guessing it won't be cheap.
Let me see if I can get a quote.
Where in Malaysia do you need the parts to go?
Hello. Would love to help you out.
But how on earth do I ship to Malaysia!
An old work mate of mine who was Malay used to send home all sorts but he would hire a container. You don't happen to have family/friends here in the UK who can help arrange shipment do do?
I have no idea where to...